Results 1 to 10 of about 85,463 (274)
Determination of Exercise Attitudes of Pregnant Women [PDF]
It is known that pregnancy is essential in the contribution of exercise to human health and the formation of healthy societies. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research techniques, was used in the research.
Acari, Sevgi, Sivrikaya, Omer
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Species composition, diversity and predilection sites of ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting cattle in the Western Highlands of Cameroon [PDF]
Ticks are haematophagous ectoparasites infesting wilds and domestic animals as well as humans and, are considered after mosquitoes to be the principal vectors for the transmission of various pathogens.
Ngangnang Ghislain Roméo+2 more
The family Carabodidae (Acari, Oribatida) VIII: The genus Machadocepheus (first part) Machadocepheus leoneae sp. n. and Machadocepheus rachii sp. n. from Gabon [PDF]
The genus Machadocepheus, being one of the more complex genera of the Carabodidae family, is briefly outlined to demonstrate this complexity. Descriptions of two new species from Gabon, M. leoneae sp. n. and M. rachii sp. n.
Aoki+27 more
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This study aimed to determine the distributions, habitats and endemism rates of Arrenurus from Turkey. Similarity indices were determined between Turkey and some countries in the Palearctic Region.
Orhan ERMAN+2 more
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Addition of polyester in soil affects litter decomposition rates but not microarthropod communities
Microplastics are defined as plastic particles that are
Carlos Barreto+2 more
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Haematological assessment of four amazonian ornamental armoured catfish (Teleostei, Loricariidae)
The aim of this study was to characterize the haematological profile of four Amazonian ornamental freshwater armoured catfish: acari-bola (Peckoltia oligospila - L06), acari-pleco (Cochliodon sp.
Mikaelle de Souza Neves+5 more
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Como resultado del estudio de 47 muestras recogidas en diferentes hábitats de la isla de La Gomera (Islas Canarias), se obtuvieron 43 especies pertenecientes a 13 familias del orden Mesostigmata.
M. L. Moraza, M. A. Peña
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A new species group and five new species of mites of the genus Pavania Lombardini, 1949 belonging to the family Dolichocybidae (Acari: Heterostigmata) are described from Iran. Pavania gymnopleuri Hajiqanbar & Khaustov sp. n., P. sabzevarensis Hajiqanbar &
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The state of commercial augmentative biological control: plenty of natural enemies, but a frustrating lack of uptake [PDF]
Augmentative biological control concerns the periodical release of natural enemies. In com- mercial augmentative biological control, natural enemies are mass-reared in biofactories for release in large numbers to obtain an immediate control of pests. The
Jagadish, Chennupati+3 more
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A survey of soil fauna in Poland revealed 30 cases of centipedes carrying mites of the sub-order Uropodina. The 155 phoretic deutonymphs collected belonged to two species of Uropodina - Oodinychus ovalis (C.L.
Jerzy BŁOSZYK+2 more
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