Results 1 to 10 of about 938,323 (386)
Kinetic modeling of alcohol consumption [PDF]
In most countries, alcohol consumption distributions have been shown to possess universal features. Their unimodal right-skewed shape is usually modeled in terms of the Lognormal distribution, which is easy to fit, test, and modify. However, empirical distributions often deviate considerably from the Lognormal model, and both Gamma and Weibull ...
Dimarco G., Toscani G.
arxiv +7 more sources
Hidden Markov models for alcoholism treatment trial data [PDF]
In a clinical trial of a treatment for alcoholism, a common response variable of interest is the number of alcoholic drinks consumed by each subject each day, or an ordinal version of this response, with levels corresponding to abstinence, light drinking and heavy drinking.
arxiv +1 more source
Cell‐free and extracellular vesicle microRNAs with clinical utility for solid tumors
Cell‐free microRNAs (cfmiRs) are small‐RNA circulating molecules detectable in almost all body biofluids. Innovative technologies have improved the application of cfmiRs to oncology, with a focus on clinical needs for different solid tumors, but with emphasis on diagnosis, prognosis, cancer recurrence, as well as treatment monitoring.
Yoshinori Hayashi+6 more
wiley +1 more source
In a fungal extract screen, malformin C was identified as a compound which selectively kills glioblastoma stem‐like cells while sparing normal cells. Malformin C induces proteotoxic stress and disrupts autophagy, exploiting a vulnerability in glioblastoma stem‐like cells.
Emma Phillips+13 more
wiley +1 more source
Alcohol and cigarettes are the psychoactive substances that adolescents use most frequently. When both addictions are combined, they carry the worst burden of disease globally.
Leticia Ávila-Burgos+8 more
doaj +1 more source
Adjusting for selective non-participation with re-contact data in the FINRISK 2012 survey [PDF]
Aims: A common objective of epidemiological surveys is to provide population-level estimates of health indicators. Survey results tend to be biased under selective non-participation. One approach to bias reduction is to collect information about non-participants by contacting them again and asking them to fill in a questionnaire.
arxiv +1 more source
Preliminary support for the role of alcohol cues in food cravings and attentional biases [PDF]
This study examined whether alcohol odors, in isolation or when combined with pictures, would influence food attentional biases and cravings. Participants' cravings and attentional biases to food and alcohol pictures were assessed after exposure to ...
Cyders, Melissa A., Karyadi, Kenny A.
core +1 more source
The mitosis‐related gene SKA1 was among 629 genes consistently dysregulated in OSCC across nine public gene expression datasets. In OSCC cell lines, SKA1 promoted proliferation and migration, enhanced radioresistance, and reduced radiation‐induced senescence.
Alexander Michael Grandits+7 more
wiley +1 more source
Learning to Predict Fitness for Duty using Near Infrared Periocular Iris Images [PDF]
This research proposes a new database and method to detect the reduction of alertness conditions due to alcohol, drug consumption and sleepiness deprivation from Near-Infra-Red (NIR) periocular eye images. The study focuses on determining the effect of external factors on the Central Nervous System (CNS).
ALDH2*2 and peer drinking in East Asian college students [PDF]
Background: The ALDH2*2 allele (A-allele) at rs671 is more commonly carried by Asians and is associated with alcohol-related flushing, a strong adverse reaction to alcohol that is protective against drinking.
Chartier, Karen G.+5 more
core +2 more sources