Results 1 to 10 of about 11,444 (248)

Do altmetrics correlate with the quality of papers? A large-scale empirical study based on F1000Prime data. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2018
In this study, we address the question whether (and to what extent, respectively) altmetrics are related to the scientific quality of papers (as measured by peer assessments).
Lutz Bornmann, Robin Haunschild
doaj   +8 more sources

Overview of the Altmetrics Landscape [PDF]

open access: bronzeAccentuate the Positive: Charleston Conference 2012, 2013
While the impact of article citations has been examined for decades, the “altmetrics” movement has exploded in the past year. Altmetrics tracks the activity on the Social Web and looks at research outputs besides research articles.
Cave, Richard
core   +7 more sources

Do altmetrics correlate with citations? Extensive comparison of altmetric indicators with citations from a multidisciplinary perspective [PDF]

open access: yes, 2014
An extensive analysis of the presence of different altmetric indicators provided by across scientific fields is presented, particularly focusing on their relationship with citations. Our results confirm that the presence and density of social media altmetric counts are still very low and not very frequent among scientific publications ...
Adie   +21 more
arxiv   +5 more sources

Genesis of Altmetrics or Article-level Metrics for Measuring Efficacy of Scholarly Communications: Current Perspectives [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Scientometric Research, 2014, 3(2), 82-92, 2014
The article-level metrics (ALMs) or altmetrics becomes a new trendsetter in recent times for measuring the impact of scientific publications and their social outreach to intended audiences. The popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin and social bookmarks such as Mendeley and CiteULike are nowadays widely used for communicating ...
Das, Anup Kumar, Mishra, Sanjaya
arxiv   +5 more sources

The Values and Limits of Altmetrics [PDF]

open access: yesNew Directions for Institutional Research, 2018: 53-69 (2018), 2021
Altmetrics are tools for measuring the impact of research beyond scientific communities. In general, they measure online mentions of scholarly outputs, such as on online social networks, blogs, and news sites. Some stakeholders in higher education have championed altmetrics as a new way to understand research impact and as an alternative or supplement ...
arxiv   +8 more sources

Altmetrics: métricas alternativas de impacto científico com base em redes sociais [PDF]

open access: diamondPerspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 2015
Métricas alternativas ou "altmetrics" podem ser definidas como o estudo e uso de medidas de impacto acadêmico com base na atividade de ferramentas e ambientes online. Altmetrics visam medir as diferentes formas e padrões de significado e uso dos produtos
Moreno Barros
doaj   +2 more sources

Altmetrics can capture research evidence: a study across types of studies in COVID-19 literature [PDF]

open access: yesProfesional De La informaci\'on 32 (2023), 2023
There has been a proliferation of descriptive for COVID-19 papers using altmetrics. The main objective of this study is to analyse whether the altmetric mentions of COVID-19 medical studies are associated with the type of study and its level of evidence. Data were collected from PubMed and databases.
Valderrama-Baca P   +2 more
europepmc   +2 more sources

A call for broadening the altmetrics tent to democratize science outreach. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS Biology
Common altmetrics indices are limited and biased in the social media that they cover. In this Perspective, we highlight how and why altmetrics should broaden its scope to provide more reliable metrics for scientific content and communication.
Ivan Jarić, Pavel Pipek, Ana Novoa
doaj   +2 more sources

Promotion and tenure for medical physicists should be based on article specific measures and not on journal impact factor. [PDF]

open access: yesJ Appl Clin Med Phys
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Volume 25, Issue 12, December 2024.
Hedrick S, Yang J, Rong Y.
europepmc   +2 more sources

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