Results 1 to 10 of about 11,452,822 (259)

The Culture Heritage Protection: Suggestive Themes and Views of August Wilson’s Fences [PDF]

open access: yesLitinfinite, 2022
Identity, values, history, language and principles of a man all compose the cultural form of a cultural form of an individual. Man becomes the focal point of most subject matters of the modernist writers who focus on the concept of humanism. In the light
Hasan Hadi Ali
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“The Radio Said They Were Just Deportees”: From Border Necropolitics to Transformative Grief in Tim Z. Hernandez’s All They Will Call You (2017)

open access: yesHumanities, 2023
Just as necropower discriminates between those who can and those who cannot live, post-mortem circumstances are explicitly affected by an irrefutable gentrification of memory and grievability.
Carolina Sánchez-Palencia
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Indigenous Antinuclear Literary Resistance: Jim Northrup’s Satire and Anishinaabe Trans/nationalism

open access: yesJournal of Transnational American Studies, 2020
“Indigenous Antinuclear Literary Resistance: Jim Northrup’s Satire and Anishinaabe Trans/nationalism” examines the way Jim Northrup (1943–2016), an Anishinaabe writer from the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa in northern Minnesota, engages ...
Kyoko Matsunaga
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Teaching Black Lives in College When Black Lives Didn’t Matter that Much K through 12

open access: yesRadical Teacher, 2020
This article explores complexities in teaching Black-authored material (especially Hip Hop lyricism) in premominantly non-Black college composition courses.
Sarah Trembath
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A Janus-faced Empire

open access: yesIperstoria, 2023
Upon gaining independence from Great Britain, the newly formed United States of America underwent a rapid process of cultural decolonization, including the development of a native and self-sovereign ‘American Literature’ throughout the long 19th century.
Adam Nemmers
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2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines.

open access: yesCirculation, 2022
AIM The "2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure" replaces the "2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure" and the "2017 ACC/AHA/HFSA Focused Update of the 2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of Heart ...
P. Heidenreich   +25 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Feeling Like the Colorado River: A Groundwork for Restoration Ecocriticism / Colorado Nehri Gibi Hissetmek: Restorasyon Çevreci Eleştirisi’nin Temelleri [PDF]

open access: yesFolklor/Edebiyat, 2022
Environmentalism has entered a new phase. For the past three decades, communities around the world have been voicing land, air, water pollution, toxicity, diseases connected to contaminated environments, clearcutting, soil erosion, mountaintop removal,
Ufuk Özdağ
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Senza mare all'orizzonte: turismo di massa, consumo e spettacolo in A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again di David Foster Wallace

open access: yesIperstoria, 2014
Nonostante la letteratura di mare statunitense sia sovente identificata soprattutto con la grande narrativa ottocentesca, da James Fenimore Cooper a Richard Henry Dana e fino a Herman Melville (e con una regione, il New England, per cui il mare è stato a
Cinzia Schiavini
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High or popular literature?: John Updike's Rabbit series

open access: yesActa Neophilologica, 2010
The article addresses the issue of the ambivalent relationship between high and popular literature. Relying on the criteria proposed by Ken Gelder, the author seeks to prove those artistic qualities of John Updike's Rabbit sequence that ensure his ...
Jerneja Petrič
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A quantitative and constructive proof of Willems' Fundamental Lemma and its implications [PDF]

open access: yesin Proc. American Control Conference, 2023, pp. 4155-4160, 2022
Willems' Fundamental Lemma provides a powerful data-driven parametrization of all trajectories of a controllable linear time-invariant system based on one trajectory with persistently exciting (PE) input. In this paper, we present a novel proof of this result which is inspired by the classical adaptive control literature and differs from existing ...
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