Effect of patient and treatment factors on persistence with antihypertensive treatment: A population-based study. [PDF]
PurposeTo analyze patterns of antihypertensive drug use among new users in a Southern European population, and identify patient- and treatment-related factors that influence persistence.MethodsThis is a retrospective observational study of new ...
Sara Malo+5 more
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Antihypertensive Drug Use Pattern in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Region of Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Study [PDF]
Introduction: Assessing antihypertensive drug use pattern always plays an important role to mitigate the burden of hypertension and also helps doctors to prescribe the drugs rationally.
Naresh Karki+3 more
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Antihypertensive Drug Therapy [PDF]
Lifestyle measures plus antihypertensive drug therapy should be used to treat adults with hypertension (1-4). Adults with clinical cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease, heart failure, and stroke) should have their blood pressure reduced below 130/80 mmHg for secondary prevention of recurrent cardiovascular disease events (4).
Aronow, Wilbert S
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Spectrum of antihypertensive therapy in South Asians at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan [PDF]
Background Despite available guidelines on hypertension (HTN), use of antihypertensives is variable. This study was designed to ascertain frequency of patients on monotherapy and > 1 antihypertensive therapy and also to ascertain proportion of patients ...
Ehtamam Anabia+3 more
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Determinants of medication adherence to antihypertensive medications among a Chinese population using Morisky medication adherence scale [PDF]
<b>Background and objectives</b> Poor adherence to medications is one of the major public health challenges. Only one-third of the population reported successful control of blood pressure, mostly caused by poor drug adherence.
AB Morris+48 more
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Chemical Synthesis, Safety and Efficacy of Antihypertensive Candidate Drug 221s (2,9)
Hypertension is the main risk factor of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In this paper, a novel compound known as 221s (2,9), which includes tanshinol, borneol and a mother nucleus of ACEI, was synthesized by condensation esterification ...
Bei Qin+12 more
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Narrative update of clinical trials with antihypertensive drugs in children and adolescents
IntroductionTo date, our knowledge on antihypertensive pharmacological treatment in children and adolescents is still limited because there are few randomized clinical trials (CTs), hampering appropriate management.
Josep Redon+7 more
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Prescribing patterns of antihypertensive drugs in tertiary care teaching hospital [PDF]
Background: Prescribing patterns provides prescribing behaviors of prescriber. Hypertension is most common cardiac complication among middle and old age population.
Patil, Vithal G.+2 more
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Pola Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi Pada Pasien Hipertensi di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit [PDF]
Hypertension is a condition of a person experiencing an increase in blood pressure above normal, namely systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg and or diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg.
Akib Yuswar, Muhammad+2 more
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Background In 2019, Chinese government launched a nationwide volume-based drug procurement aiming at reducing drug prices and saving drug costs through economies of scale, which aroused widespread attention.
Ying Yang+6 more
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