Brightest Cluster Galaxy Alignments in Merging Clusters [PDF]
The Astrophysical Journal, 2019The orientations of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and their host clusters tend to be aligned, but the mechanism driving this is not clear. To probe the role of cluster mergers in this process, we quantify alignments of 38 BCGs in 22 clusters ...
Foote, Drake+2 more
core +7 more sources
A New Test of the Statistical Nature of the Brightest Cluster Galaxies [PDF]
Astrophys.J.715:1486-1496,2010, 2009A novel statistic is proposed to examine the hypothesis that all cluster galaxies are drawn from the same luminosity distribution (LD). In such a "statistical model" of galaxy LD, the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) are simply the statistical extreme of the galaxy population.
Abazajian+29 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Brightest Cluster Galaxy Formation in Low-Redshift Galaxy Clusters [PDF]
arXiv, 2001We present the composite luminosity function of a sample of 17 low-redshift galaxy clusters. Our luminosity functions have been measured for an inner region ($r \leq r_{200}$) and an outer region ($r_{200} \leq r \leq 2r_{200}$) centred on each Brightest Cluster Galaxy. The inner region luminosity function has a significantly flatter faint-end slope ($\
W. A. Barkhouse+2 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Feedback and Brightest Cluster Galaxy Formation: ACS Observations of the Radio Galaxy TN J1338--1942 at z=4.1 [PDF]
, 2005We present deep optical imaging of the z=4.1 radio galaxy TN J1338--1942 obtained using the ACS on-board HST. The radio galaxy is known to reside within a large galaxy overdensity (both in physical extent and density contrast).
A. R. Martel+56 more
core +4 more sources
Internal dynamics of the galaxy cluster Abell 545 [PDF]
, 2011Diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters, and their connection with cluster mergers, are still debated. We seek to explore the internal dynamics of the radio halo cluster Abell 545. This cluster is also peculiar for hosting in its center a very bright, red, diffuse intracluster light due to an old, stellar population, so bright to be named as "star ...
Abell+128 more
arxiv +3 more sources
A Photometric Survey of Globular Cluster Systems in Brightest Cluster Galaxies [PDF]
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2023Hubble Space Telescope imaging for 26 giant early-type galaxies, all drawn from the MAST archive, is used to carry out photometry of their surrounding globular cluster (GC) systems. Most of these targets are Brightest Cluster Galaxies and their distances
William E. Harris
doaj +2 more sources
Updated catalog of 132,684 galaxy clusters and evolution of brightest cluster galaxies [PDF]
, 2013We identified 132,684 clusters in the redshift range of 0.05
Z. L. Wen, J. L. Han
arxiv +3 more sources
Deep MOS Spectroscopy of NGC 1316 Globular Clusters [PDF]
Galaxies, 2017The giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1316 is the brightest galaxy in the Fornax cluster, and displays a number of morphological features that might be interpreted as an intermediate age merger remanent (∼3 Gyr).
Leandro A. Sesto+3 more
doaj +6 more sources
Order statistics of the early-type galaxy luminosity function [PDF]
, 2011We apply order statistics (OS) to the bright end ($M_r < -22$) of the luminosity distribution of early-type galaxies spectroscopically identified in the SDSS DR7 catalog. We calculate the typical OS quantities of this distribution numerically, measuring the expectation value and variance of the $k^{th}$ most luminous galaxy in a sample with cardinality
Abazajian+50 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Detection of a Star Forming Galaxy in the Center of a Low-Mass Galaxy Cluster [PDF]
, 2018Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) residing in the centers of galaxy clusters are typically quenched giant ellipticals. A recent study hinted that star-forming galaxies with large disks, so-called superluminous spirals and lenticulars, are the BCGs of a subset of galaxy clusters.
Andrade-Santos, Felipe+6 more
arxiv +3 more sources