Cirurgia do Timo num Serviço de Cirurgia Geral [PDF]
AIMS: Evaluation of thymectomy cases between 1990-2003, in a General Surgery Department. Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy in Miastenia Gravis patients.
Araújo, A+5 more
core +3 more sources
CIRURGIA GERAL (Bases da Cirurgia) [PDF]
Alcino Lázaro da Silva
openalex +6 more sources
Prevalence of body contouring surgery in post-bariatric patients at a university hospital [PDF]
Introduction: The growing number of patients with massive weight loss after bariatric surgery is correlated with the demand for body contouring surgery.
Luiz Henrique Zanata Pinheiro+6 more
doaj +1 more source
Resumos do Congresso SPACV - 20 Anos
Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular
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Reverse frontal lifting: alternative for the treatment of pachydermoperiostosis [PDF]
Introduction: Patient diagnosed with pachydermoperiostosis, presenting a strong cutaneous manifestation, making it impossible to correct the defect by the usual facial lifting techniques.
Ronaldo Pontes+4 more
doaj +1 more source
Quality of life of Brazilian plastic surgeons [PDF]
Introduction: Medical quality of life (QoL) is an international object of study. Brazilian Plastic Surgeons QoL hasn`t yet been assessed, with few studies to perform any evaluation on the subject or estimate variables involved.
Guilherme Frederico Ferro Alves+7 more
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The use of reverse abdominoplasty for treatment of chemical burn in the thoracoabdominal region [PDF]
Chemical burn is a challenge owing to its severity compared to thermal burns. The depth and extent of lesions in different areas of the body lead us to look for different possibilities for the best treatment of the patient.
Guilherme Gurgel do Amaral Teles+6 more
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Objetivo: avaliar o coping religioso-espiritual em pacientes no período pré-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Método: estudo transversal, analítico, no qual foram avaliados 62 pacientes internados no período pré-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, entre os ...
Bezerra, Simone Maria Muniz da Silva+2 more
core +2 more sources
Cirurgia do hiperparatireoidismo [PDF]
Hyperparathyroidism is a desease caused by increase of parathormone secretion, leading to a misfunction of calcium metabolism. Although not very common among population in general, it is frequently observed in patients with cronic renal disease. It can involve a slight syntomatic form, but as a whole, its main repercurssions occur in skeletic muscles ...
Gonçalves, Manuel Domingos da Cruz+1 more
openaire +5 more sources
Extended and pedicled pectoralis major flap for right orbitofrontal-parietal reconstruction following invasive squamous cell carcinoma resection [PDF]
Introduction: The myocutaneous flap is often used in reconstruction of head and neck defects. However, it is restricted to the middle third of the face.
Andres Ordenes Evensen+6 more
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