Results 1 to 10 of about 3,818,614 (141)

A digital twin framework for civil engineering structures [PDF]

open access: yesComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023
The digital twin concept represents an appealing opportunity to advance condition-based and predictive maintenance paradigms for civil engineering systems, thus allowing reduced lifecycle costs, increased system safety, and increased system availability.
Matteo Torzoni   +4 more
arxiv   +3 more sources

A Review of Physics-based Machine Learning in Civil Engineering [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2021
The recent development of machine learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) increases the opportunities in all the sectors. ML is a significant tool that can be applied across many disciplines, but its direct application to civil engineering problems can be challenging.
S. Vadyala   +3 more
arxiv   +3 more sources

Probabilistic Inference for Structural Health Monitoring: New Modes of Learning from Data [PDF]

open access: yesASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 7.1 (2021): 03120003, 2021
In data-driven SHM, the signals recorded from systems in operation can be noisy and incomplete. Data corresponding to each of the operational, environmental, and damage states are rarely available a priori; furthermore, labelling to describe the measurements is often unavailable. In consequence, the algorithms used to implement SHM should be robust and
arxiv   +1 more source

Toward Integrated Human-machine Intelligence for Civil Engineering: An Interdisciplinary Perspective [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to examine the opportunities and barriers of Integrated Human-Machine Intelligence (IHMI) in civil engineering. Integrating artificial intelligence's high efficiency and repeatability with humans' adaptability in various contexts can advance timely and reliable decision-making during civil engineering projects and ...

State of the Art of Augmented Reality (AR) Capabilities for Civil Infrastructure Applications [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2021
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology superimposing interactional virtual objects onto a real environment. Since the beginning of the millennium, AR technologies have shown rapid growth, with significant research publications in engineering and science. However, the civil infrastructure community has minimally implemented AR technologies to date.

Generative Adversarial Networks for Labelled Vibration Data Generation [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
As Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) being implemented more over the years, the use of operational modal analysis of civil structures has become more significant for the assessment and evaluation of engineering structures. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms have been in use for structural damage diagnostics of civil structures in ...
arxiv   +1 more source

Causal Diagrams for Structural Engineers [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2023
Causal diagrams are logic and graphical tools that depict assumptions about presumed causal relations. Such diagrams have proven effective in tackling a variety of problems in social sciences and epidemiology research yet remain foreign to civil engineers.

The Cosmic Hitchhikers Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Civilizations Using Free-Floating Planets for Interstellar Colonization [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2022
I propose the Cosmic Hitchhikers hypothesis as follows. Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may use free-floating planets as interstellar transportation for space exploration and interstellar colonization. Large groups or populations of their biological species, post-biological species, and technologies may become Cosmic Hitchhikers when they ride ...

Digital Twins and Civil Engineering Phases: Reorienting Adoption Strategies [PDF]

open access: yesASME. J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. October 2024; 24(10): 100801
Digital twin (DT) technology has received immense attention over the years due to the promises it presents to various stakeholders in science and engineering. As a result, different thematic areas of DT have been explored. This is no different in specific fields such as manufacturing, automation, oil and gas, and civil engineering, leading to ...
arxiv   +1 more source

Active Learning for Imbalanced Civil Infrastructure Data [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2022
Aging civil infrastructures are closely monitored by engineers for damage and critical defects. As the manual inspection of such large structures is costly and time-consuming, we are working towards fully automating the visual inspections to support the prioritization of maintenance activities. To that end we combine recent advances in drone technology

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