Results 1 to 10 of about 1,675,904 (242)
The nature of the main constituents of the mass of the universe is one of the outstanding riddles of cosmology and astro-particle physics. Current models explaining the evolution of the universe, and measurements of the various components of its mass ...
Zacek, Viktor
core +3 more sources
Modified Dark Matter: Relating Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Baryonic Matter [PDF]
Modified dark matter (MDM) is a phenomenological model of dark matter, inspired by gravitational thermodynamics. For an accelerating Universe with positive cosmological constant ($\Lambda$), such phenomenological considerations lead to the emergence of a
Edmonds, Douglas+4 more
core +7 more sources
Dark Matter and Dark Radiation [PDF]
We explore the feasibility and astrophysical consequences of a new long-range U(1) gauge field ("dark electromagnetism") that couples only to dark matter, not to the Standard Model.
E. Kolb+7 more
core +7 more sources
Asymmetric Dark Matter from Leptogenesis [PDF]
We present a new realization of asymmetric dark matter in which the dark matter and lepton asymmetries are generated simultaneously through two-sector leptogenesis. The right-handed neutrinos couple both to the Standard Model and to a hidden sector where the dark matter resides.
A Abada+62 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Dark Energy and Dark Matter [PDF]
It is a puzzle why the densities of dark matter and dark energy are nearly equal today when they scale so differently during the expansion of the universe. This conundrum may be solved if there is a coupling between the two dark sectors. In this paper we
A. Riotto+30 more
core +6 more sources
Wave Dark Matter and the Tully-Fisher Relation [PDF]
We investigate a theory of dark matter called wave dark matter, also known as scalar field dark matter (SFDM) and boson star dark matter or Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) dark matter, in spherical symmetry and its relation to the Tully-Fisher relation.
Bray, Hubert L., Goetz, Andrew S.
arxiv +3 more sources
A new $U(1)$ dark gauge group coupled to the Standard Model (SM) via the kinetic mixing portal provides a natural dark matter candidate in the form of the Higgs field, $h_d$, responsible for generating the mass of the dark photon, $ _d$. We show that the condition $m_{h_d}\leq m_{ _d}$, together with smallness of the kinetic mixing parameter ...
Maxim Pospelov+4 more
openaire +3 more sources
GRB 181110A: Constraining the Jet Structure, Circumburst Medium and the Initial Lorentz Factor
The afterglow data of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) can be used to constrain the physical properties of the fireball (e.g., the jet structure and opening angle) and the circumburst medium.
Song Han+6 more
doaj +1 more source
An Unsupervised Machine Learning Method for Electron–Proton Discrimination of the DAMPE Experiment
Galactic cosmic rays are mostly made up of energetic nuclei, with less than 1% of electrons (and positrons). Precise measurement of the electron and positron component requires a very efficient method to reject the nuclei background, mainly protons.
Zhihui Xu+6 more
doaj +1 more source