Results 1 to 10 of about 481,444 (372)

Conducting research in disease outbreaks. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2009
Conducting research in an emergency situation, such as an outbreak of disease, poses ethical challenges. These challenges differ according to the type of research: epidemiologic or clinical, and for the latter, whether the disease outbreak can be anticipated in advance. We address these three situations, proposing different potential solutions for each.
Ruth Macklin, Ethan Cowan
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Incentives for reporting disease outbreaks. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2014
BACKGROUND: Countries face conflicting incentives to report infectious disease outbreaks. Reports of outbreaks can prompt other countries to impose trade and travel restrictions, which has the potential to discourage reporting.
Ramanan Laxminarayan   +2 more
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Traits and risk factors of post-disaster infectious disease outbreaks: a systematic review [PDF]

open access: yesScientific Reports, 2021
Infectious disease outbreaks are increasingly recognised as events that exacerbate impacts or prolong recovery following disasters. Yet, our understanding of the frequency, geography, characteristics and risk factors of post-disaster disease outbreaks ...
Gina E. C. Charnley   +3 more
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A recent history of disease outbreaks in Kenya, 2007–2022: Findings from routine surveillance data [PDF]

open access: yesBMC Research Notes
Background Africa reports the highest number of outbreaks globally, accounting for 39% of all outbreaks in 2022. The Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response strategy in Kenya ensures the reporting of outbreaks up to the national level.
Farida Geteri   +5 more
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Estimating Underdetection of Foodborne Disease Outbreaks [PDF]

open access: yesEmerging Infectious Diseases
Craig W. Hedberg   +4 more
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Investigating A Disease Outbreak [PDF]

open access: yesSignificance, 2020
Abstract Teams of epidemiological and medical “detectives” are working to get a coronavirus pandemic under control. Ronald D. Fricker, Jr and Steven E.
Fricker Jr, Ronald D., Rigdon, Steven E.
openaire   +3 more sources

Epidemiological features of foodborne disease outbreaks in Shanghai 2010 to 2020

open access: yesShanghai yufang yixue, 2022
ObjectiveTo analyze the epidemiological features of foodborne disease outbreaks in Shanghai and to find the risk factors.MethodsWe collected the data of foodborne disease outbreaks occurred in Shanghai between 2010 and 2020, analyzed the characteristics ...
LU Donglei   +4 more
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Epidemiological investigation of a food-borne outbreak in a kindergarten, Jeju Province, Korea [PDF]

open access: yesEpidemiology and Health, 2023
OBJECTIVES On Monday, September 6, 2021, at a kindergarten in Jeju Province, a large number of children vomited and developed food poisoning symptoms, and this necessitated an epidemiological investigation.
Kyoung Mi Kim   +4 more
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