Results 1 to 10 of about 529,409 (310)

A Comparison of Outflow Properties in AGN Dwarfs versus Star-forming Dwarfs [PDF]

open access: yesThe Astrophysical Journal, 2023
Feedback likely plays a crucial role in resolving discrepancies between observations and theoretical predictions of dwarf galaxy properties. Stellar feedback was once believed to be sufficient to explain these discrepancies, but it has thus far failed to
Archana Aravindan   +7 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Properties of the Dwarf Galaxy Population in Galaxy Clusters [PDF]

open access: yes, 2008
We present the observational properties of the dwarf galaxy population (Mr > M*+1) corresponding to one of the largest samples of spectroscopically confirmed galaxy cluster members reported in the literature. We have observed that red dwarf galaxies (u-r > 2.22) share the same cluster environment as the brightest cluster members (Mr < -21), but are not
Aguerri   +26 more
arxiv   +3 more sources

Harassment Origin for Kinematic Substructures in Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies? [PDF]

open access: yes, 2005
We have run high resolution N-body models simulating the encounter of a dwarf galaxy with a bright elliptical galaxy. The dwarf absorbs orbital angular momentum and shows counter-rotating features in the external regions of the galaxy. To explain the core-envelope kinematic decoupling observed in some dwarf galaxies in high-density environments ...
A. C. González-García   +38 more
arxiv   +5 more sources

In Pursuit of the Least Luminous Galaxies [PDF]

open access: yesAdvances in Astronomy, 2010
The dwarf galaxy companions to the Milky Way are unique cosmological laboratories. With luminosities as low as 10−7LMW, they inhabit the lowest mass dark matter halos known to host stars and are presently the most direct tracers of the distribution, mass
Beth Willman
doaj   +5 more sources

Dwarf Galaxies in Voids: Dark Matter Halos and Gas Cooling [PDF]

open access: yesAdvances in Astronomy, 2010
Galaxy surveys have shown that luminous galaxies are mainly distributed in large filaments and galaxy clusters. The remaining large volumes are virtually devoid of luminous galaxies.
Matthias Hoeft, Stefan Gottlöber
doaj   +4 more sources

Faint dwarf galaxies in nearby clusters [PDF]

open access: yes, 2010
Besides giant elliptical galaxies, a number of low-mass stellar systems inhabit the cores of galaxy clusters, such as dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs/dSphs), ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs), and globular clusters. The detailed morphological examination of faint dwarf galaxies has, until recently, been limited to the Local Group (LG) and the two very
Dabringhausen   +6 more
arxiv   +3 more sources

Antlia B: A faint dwarf galaxy member of the NGC 3109 association [PDF]

open access: yes, 2015
We report the discovery of Antlia B, a faint dwarf galaxy at a projected distance of $\sim$72 kpc from NGC 3109 ($M_{V}$$\sim$$-$15 mag), the primary galaxy of the NGC 3109 dwarf association at the edge of the Local Group. The tip of the red giant branch
Crnojević, D.   +6 more
core   +4 more sources

Dehnen halo effect on a black hole in an ultra-faint dwarf galaxy [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022
There had been recent advancement toward the detection of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, which may serve as a useful laboratory for dark matter exploration since some of them contains almost 99% of pure dark matter. The majority of these galaxies contain no
R. C. Pantig, A. Övgün
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Resolved Dwarf Galaxy Searches within ∼5 Mpc with the Vera Rubin Observatory and Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam [PDF]

open access: yesAstrophysical Journal, 2021
We present a preview of the faint dwarf galaxy discoveries that will be possible with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam in the next decade.
B. Mutlu-Pakdil   +9 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Dependence of stellar substructures in M31 type galaxy on satellite morphology in galaxy mergers [PDF]

open access: yesSerbian Astronomical Journal, 2022
Stellar streams and shells are observed in halos of spiral galaxies. In this paper, we investigated the formation of these structures due to mergers between the host spiral galaxy and its dwarf satellite galaxies.
Milošević S.
doaj   +1 more source

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