Results 1 to 10 of about 484,021 (406)

Eclipse of the Public Corporation or Eclipse of the Public Markets? [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2018
The authors look back at Michael Jensen's 1989 article “The Eclipse of the Public Corporation.” They find some of his predictions have been borne out but other important ones, not. Jensen concluded that the publicly held corporation was in decline and had outlived its usefulness in many sectors.
G. Andrew Karolyi   +3 more
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Green Bank Telescope Observations of the Eclipse of Pulsar "A" in the Double Pulsar Binary PSR J0737-3039 [PDF]

open access: yesAstrophys.J. 613 (2004) L137-L140, 2004
We report on the first Green Bank Telescope observations at 427, 820 and 1400 MHz of the newly discovered, highly inclined and relativistic double pulsar binary.
Arons, J.   +6 more
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Eclipses of the Sun

open access: yesAmerican Journal of Physics, 1929
The observation of a total eclipse of the sun is one of great excitement and nerve-racking tension. The life of an eclipse astronomer may be likened to that of a hunter after big game. Many months and even years are spent in quietly investigating the problems, a costly equipment is accumulated and each piece of delicate apparatus is carefully tested at
Samuel Alfred Mitchell, W. Petrie
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Eclipse ESCET™: The Eclipse Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit [PDF]

open access: yes, 2023
AbstractThe Eclipse Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit (ESCET™) is an open-source project to provide a model-based approach and toolkit for developing supervisory controllers, targeting their entire engineering process. It supports synthesis-based engineering of supervisory controllers for discrete-event systems, combining model-based engineering ...
Fokkink, Wan   +15 more
openaire   +2 more sources

Broadband Radio Spectral Observations of Solar Eclipse on 2008-08-01 and Implications on the Quiet Sun Atmospheric Model

open access: yes, 2009
Based on the joint-observations of the radio broadband spectral emissions of solar eclipse on August 1, 2008 at Jiuquan (total eclipse) and Huairou (partial eclipse) at the frequencies of 2.00 -- 5.60 GHz (Jiuquan), 2.60 -- 3.80 GHZ (Chinese solar ...
BaoLin Tan   +22 more
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Effects of Interstellar Dust Scattering on the X-ray Eclipses of the LMXB AX J1745.6-2901 in the Galactic Center [PDF]

open access: yes, 2018
AX J1745.6-2901 is an eclipsing low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) in the Galactic Centre (GC). It shows significant X-ray excess emission during the eclipse phase, and its eclipse light curve shows an asymmetric shape.
Haberl, Frank   +4 more
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z'-band Ground-Based Detection of the Secondary Eclipse of WASP-19b [PDF]

open access: yes, 2012
We present the ground-based detection of the secondary eclipse of the transiting exoplanet WASP-19b. The observations were made in the Sloan z'-band using the ULTRACAM triple-beam CCD camera mounted on the NTT.
Alonso   +19 more
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Future Educators’ Gender Norms, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health. [PDF]

open access: yes, 2013
This investigation explored gender-related norms, sexuality, and reproductive health among education students in a government university in Samar, Philippines.
Cinco, KE   +6 more

The X-ray eclipse of OY Car resolved with XMM-Newton: X-ray emission from the polar regions of the white dwarf

open access: yes, 2003
We present the XMM-Newton X-ray eclipse lightcurve of the dwarf nova OY Car. The eclipse ingress and egress are well resolved for the first time in any dwarf nova placing strong constraints on the size and location of the X-ray emitting region.
West, Richard G., Wheatley, Peter J.
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The 8 Micron Phase Variation of the Hot Saturn HD 149026b [PDF]

open access: yes, 2009
We monitor the star HD 149026 and its Saturn-mass planet at 8.0 micron over slightly more than half an orbit using the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. We find an increase of 0.0227% +/- 0.0066% (3.4 sigma significance) in the
Agol, Eric   +6 more
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