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Forensic entomology [PDF]

open access: yesForensic Sciences Research, 2018
For many members of the forensic community, insects still have an exotic status. This may be one reason why forensic entomology, the analysis of insect evidence for forensic and legal purposes, has not yet achieved the significance it deserves in ...
Jens Amendt
doaj   +6 more sources

Forensic Entomology

open access: yesEDIS, 2011
Forensics is a hot topic, with many movies and popular television shows (such as “CSI”) introducing youth to the tools, processes, and critical thinking skills needed to solve various crimes. Within this world, insects have a growing presence.
Erika Andersen   +3 more
doaj   +6 more sources

Antarctic Entomology.

open access: yesAnnual Review of Entomology, 2016
The Antarctic region comprises the continent, the Maritime Antarctic, the sub-Antarctic islands, and the southern cold temperate islands. Continental Antarctica is devoid of insects, but elsewhere diversity varies from 2 to more than 200 species, of ...
S. Chown, P. Convey
semanticscholar   +5 more sources

Grand challenges in entomology: Priorities for action in the coming decades

open access: yesInsect Conservation and Diversity, 2023
Entomology is key to understanding terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems at a time of unprecedented anthropogenic environmental change and offers substantial untapped potential to benefit humanity in a variety of ways, from improving agricultural ...
S. Luke   +53 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

The Role of Community Science in Entomology.

open access: yesAnnual Review of Entomology, 2021
Community (or citizen) science, the involvement of volunteers in scientific endeavors, has a long history. Over the past few centuries, the contributions of volunteers to our understanding of patterns and processes in entomology has been inspiring.
M. Gardiner, H. Roy
semanticscholar   +1 more source

The Pitfalls in the Path of Probabilistic Inference in Forensic Entomology: A Review

open access: yesInsects, 2021
Simple Summary Experimental studies in forensic entomology must follow a series of rules to generate accurate predictions about criminal cases. These rules are reviewed and some approaches that have been used to solve experimental problems in forensic ...
Gaétan Moreau
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Active Learning Strategies for Biodiversity Science

open access: yesFrontiers in Education, 2022
Organismal courses are inherently integrative, incorporating concepts from genetics, physiology, ecology and other disciplines linked through a comparative and phylogenetic framework.
Nicole Chodkowski   +4 more
doaj   +1 more source

Forensic Entomology in China and Its Challenges

open access: yesInsects, 2021
Simple Summary Forensic entomologists utilize sarcosaprophagous insect species to estimate the postmortem interval to aid death investigations.
Yu Wang   +5 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

The Relationship between Research and Casework in Forensic Entomology

open access: yesInsects, 2021
Simple Summary Forensic entomology concerns the use of insects as evidence in legal investigations. Many sorts of investigation can benefit from an interpretation of insects associated with the crime scene, but insect evidence is most frequently used in ...
M. Hall
semanticscholar   +1 more source

The Forensic Entomology Case Report—A Global Perspective

open access: yesInsects, 2021
Simple Summary Forensic entomologists are most often tasked with determining when arthropods colonized living or deceased vertebrates. In most cases, this estimation involves humans; however, pets, livestock, and other domesticated animals can also be ...
Zanthé Kotzé   +6 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

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