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Many qualitative studies in journalism and mass communication research draw on ethnographic methods that originated in anthropology and sociology. These methods involve studying people within their own cultural environment through intensive fieldwork ...
Durepos, G.+6 more
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‘Polish-Lithuanian’ archaeological materials from the excavations of the town of Tara [PDF]
In this article, the authors analyse materials from the excavations of the Tara fortress (Omsk Region, Wes-tern Siberia), founded in 1594 by Prince Andrei Yeletsky and functioned as the main outpost of the Russians in the Middle Irtysh region to counter ...
Tataurov S.F. , Tikhonov S.S.
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The Russian Frontier in Western Siberia (XVI–XVIII centuries) — an archaeological rendition [PDF]
The Tara Irtysh region, including the city of Tara, as the main frontier outpost of the 17th–18th centuries, and its rural environs, is chosen as the pilot region in the study of the Russian frontier.
Tataurova L.V.+3 more
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Archaeological evidence for Domozhirov's campaign of 1595 at the Nadezhdinka IV burial ground in the Tara-Irtysh basin [PDF]
The study deals with the events that took place in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia, in the Tara-Irtysh basin, in the spring of 1595, associated with the campaign of the Tara detachment led by B.
Tataurov S.F.
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Archaeological Excavations on the SCPX Pipeline, Azerbaijan 2013-2018
The South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion (SCPX) is a pipeline built to carry gas from the Caspian Sea basin across Azerbaijan through Georgia for onward transmission to Turkey and Europe.
David Maynard+8 more
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Modernisation of the historical memory and national identity in the Republic of Kazakhstan: a means of the formation and translation [PDF]
In this paper, the problems of the construction of civic identity in the Republic of Kazakhstan are addressed. As the area for the research, Akmola Oblast was chosen.
Klyuchareva V.V. , Korusenko S.N.
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Bronze-casting workshops of the Vengerovo-2 settlement (Baraba forest steppe) [PDF]
The formation of the early bronze-casting production in Baraba and the appearance of products of the Seima-Turbino type were completed within the 3rd — early 2nd mil. BC — during the existence of the Krotovo Culture.
Durakov I.A. , Mylnikova L.N.
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A “Middle Voice” from the South
In the 2020 Prague Virtual Conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Sharon Traweek was awarded the society’s John D. Bernal Prize jointly with Langdon Winner.
Jorge Núñez, Maka Suarez
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The paper presents the results of our research on the social and cultural practices of celebrating children’s birthdays in Belgrade, the capital of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Aleksandar Krel+1 more
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Corona in the Schoolyard: Children's Game Corona as a Form of Folklore Communication
The children's game Corona appeared spontaneously at the beginning of 2020 within a small folklore community of lower grade pupils at the “St. Sava” Elementary School in the Belgrade’s municipality of Vračar.
Đorđina Trubarac Matić+1 more
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