Results 1 to 10 of about 932,752 (254)
Teaching evolutionary biology [PDF]
Evolutionary Biology integrates several disciplines of Biology in a complex and interactive manner, where a deep understanding of the subject demands knowledge in diverse areas.
Rosana Tidon, Richard C. Lewontin
doaj +6 more sources
Evolutionary robotics as a modelling tool in evolutionary biology [PDF]
The use of evolutionary robotic systems to model aspects of evolutionary biology is well-established. Yet, few studies have asked the question, “What kind of model is an evolutionary robotic system?” This paper seeks to address that question in several ...
Alan F. T. Winfield
doaj +2 more sources
Evolutionary biology of language [PDF]
Language is the most important evolutionary invention of the last few million years. It was an adaptation that helped our species to exchange information, make plans, express new ideas and totally change the appearance of the planet. How human language evolved from animal communication is one of the most challenging questions for evolutionary biology ...
Martin A. Nowak
openalex +5 more sources
Towards a quantum evolutionary scheme: violating Bell's inequalities in language [PDF]
We show the presence of genuine quantum structures in human language. The neo-Darwinian evolutionary scheme is founded on a probability structure that satisfies the Kolmogorovian axioms, and as a consequence cannot incorporate quantum-like evolutionary change.
Aerts, Diederik+2 more
arxiv +7 more sources
The Role of Information in Evolutionary Biology. [PDF]
AbstractThe Modern Synthesis has received criticism for its purported gene-centrism. That criticism relies on a concept of the gene as a unit of instructional information. In this paper I discuss information concepts and endorse one, developed from Floridi, that sees information as a functional relationship between data and context.
Dickins TE.
europepmc +4 more sources
Evolutionary biology for the 21st century [PDF]
New theoretical and conceptual frameworks are required for evolutionary biology to capitalize on the wealth of data now becoming available from the study of genomes, phenotypes, and organisms - including humans - in their natural environments.Molecular ...
Arnold, Stevan J.+14 more
core +10 more sources
The evolutionary biology of endometriosis. [PDF]
Abstract We provide the first analysis and synthesis of the evolutionary and mechanistic bases for risk of endometriosis in humans, structured around Niko Tinbergen's four questions about phenotypes: phylogenetic history, development, mechanism and adaptive significance.
Dinsdale N, Nepomnaschy P, Crespi B.
europepmc +5 more sources
GMOD for Evolutionary Biology [PDF]
The Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD, "": project provides interoperable, open source software tools for managing, visualizing and annotating biological data.
Dave Clements, Robert Buels
core +4 more sources
Unifying Biology: The Evolutionary Synthesis and Evolutionary Biology [PDF]
A review of a book by Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis titled Unifying Biology: The Evolutionary Synthesis\r\nand Evolutionary Biology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996)
Dietrich, Michael
core +4 more sources
The use of information theory in evolutionary biology [PDF]
Information is a key concept in evolutionary biology. Information is stored in biological organism's genomes, and used to generate the organism as well as to maintain and control it. Information is also "that which evolves". When a population adapts to a local environment, information about this environment is fixed in a representative genome. However,
Adami+79 more
arxiv +3 more sources