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A espacialização da fala no cinema [PDF]
Trans/Form/Ação, 1980O artigo parte de uma simples constatação: é bastante insatisfatória, no presente estágio da pesquisa, a colocação do problema das relações entre imagens e palavras no universo fílmico.
Wilcon Pereira
doaj +6 more sources
Revista Leitura, 2000
DOI: 10.28998/0103-6858.2000n26p149 ...
Neyde Veneziano
openalex +4 more sources
DOI: 10.28998/0103-6858.2000n26p149 ...
Neyde Veneziano
openalex +4 more sources
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental, 1998
Denise Teles Freire Campos
openalex +4 more sources
Denise Teles Freire Campos
openalex +4 more sources
Organon, 2002Dans ce travail, nous cherchons à explorer les notions depolyphonie (DUCROT, 1987 ; 1988 ; 1997), topoï (ANSCOMBRE etDUCROT, 1995) et modificateurs (DUCROT, 1995 ; 2002), étudiées parla Théorie de l’argumentation dans la langue, a partir de données d’enfantsâgés de deux ans et cinq mois jusqu’à cinq ans et cinq mois.
Carmem Luci da Costa Silva
openalex +5 more sources
On the Multivalence of Drawing
Diségno, 2023The paper explores fala’s process of drawing, not as a daily routine, but as a source of breakthroughs and reconsiderations in established projects. It expresses a preference for drawings that exist for their intrinsic value, embodying intangible ideas,
Filipe Magalhães, Lera Samovich
doaj +1 more source
Economy and Sociology, 2022Moldova is going through a phase of intense demographic changes and is facing two major challenges: population decline and ageing, which significantly influence economic growth opportunities.
Alexandru Fala
doaj +1 more source
An Analysis of Fixed-Wing Stall-Type Accidents in the United States
Aerospace, 2022Spin training has not been required for students working towards their private or commercial certificates for the past 70 years. Switching to a stall-prevention mindset within training aimed to make spin recovery unnecessary; however, stall-type ...
Nicoletta Fala
doaj +1 more source
EFFE-Escreves como falas – falas como escreves? [PDF]
Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures, 2016This paper introduces the project EFFE that applies and develops a methodology for data collection primarily intended for the study of the correlation between oral and written production in European Portuguese, and that also aims to serve a broad range of studies in different areas.
Lourenço-Gomes, Maria do Carmo+2 more
openaire +4 more sources
BMC Oral Health, 2023
Background The effects of smoking on the accumulation of dental plaque have not been studied in depth. We compared dental plaque quantitation obtained with a novel light induced fluorescence technology among current, former, and never smokers and ...
Gianluca Conte+10 more
doaj +1 more source
Background The effects of smoking on the accumulation of dental plaque have not been studied in depth. We compared dental plaque quantitation obtained with a novel light induced fluorescence technology among current, former, and never smokers and ...
Gianluca Conte+10 more
doaj +1 more source
Lingüística, 2019Na linguística moderna atribui-se à Pragmática o estudo da linguagem do ponto de vista dos falantes, de suas escolhas e coerções que lhes são impostas ao usar a linguagem na interação social (Crystal 2008, Parret 1988).
Maria Fausta Pereira de Castro
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