Results 1 to 10 of about 2,284,811 (201)
Photospheric properties and fundamental parameters of M dwarfs [PDF]
M dwarfs are an important source of information when studying and probing the lower end of the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram, down to the hydrogen-burning limit. Being the most numerous and oldest stars in the galaxy, they carry fundamental information on its chemical history.
Allard, F.+5 more
arxiv +10 more sources
Accurate Fundamental Stellar Parameters [PDF]
We combine results from interferometry, asteroseismology and spectroscopic analyses to determine accurate fundamental parameters (mass, radius and effective temperature) of 10 bright solar-type stars covering the H-R diagram from spectral type F5 to K1 ...
Bruntt+4 more
core +5 more sources
Reconstruction of Fundamental SUSY Parameters [PDF]
We summarize methods and expected accuracies in determining the basic low-energy SUSY parameters from experiments at future e$^+$e$^-$ linear colliders in the TeV energy range, combined with results from LHC. In a second step we demonstrate how, based on
Blair, G. A.+7 more
core +7 more sources
Fundamental Parameters of Massive Stars [PDF]
We discuss the determination of fundamental parameters of `normal' hot, massive OB-type stars, namely temperatures, luminosities, masses, gravities and surface abundances.
Crowther, Paul A
core +7 more sources
Precision $Υ$ Spectroscopy and Fundamental Parameters From NRQCD [PDF]
We present results from a high precision NRQCD simulation of the quenched $\Upsilon$ system at $\beta = 6$. We demonstrate a variety of important lattice techniques, including the perturbative improvement of actions, tadpole improvement, and multicorrelated fits for extracting the spectrum of excited states.
The NRQCD Collaboration
arxiv +3 more sources
Fundamental parameters of QCD [PDF]
The theory of strong interactions, QCD, is described in terms of a few parameters, namely the strong coupling constant alpha_s and the quark masses. We show how these parameters can be determined reliably using computer simulations of QCD on a space-time
Sommer, Rainer, Wittig, Hartmut
core +4 more sources
Fundamental Parameters and Chemical Composition of Arcturus [PDF]
We derive a self-consistent set of atmospheric parameters and abundances of 17 elements for the red giant star Arcturus: Teff = 4286+/-30 K, logg = 1.66+/-0.05, and [Fe/H] = -0.52+/-0.04.
Alekseeva+38 more
core +4 more sources
Concluding Remarks on New Cosmological Data and the Values of the Fundamental Parameters [PDF]
I review the reason for considering the prime purpose of the program of measurements of the fundamental parameters of cosmology to be the tests of cosmological models. I comment on the philosophy by which we are approaching this goal, offer an assessment of where we stand, and present some thoughts on where the tests may be headed.
P. J. E. Peebles
arxiv +3 more sources
Determining fundamental parameters of QCD on the lattice [PDF]
We summarize the status of determinations of fundamental parameters of QCD by the ALPHA Collaboration.
arxiv +6 more sources
Fundamental Parameters of Cepheids: Masses and Multiplicity [PDF]
Masses determined from classical Cepheids in binary systems are a primary test of both pulsation and evolutionary calculations. The first step is to determine the orbit from ground-based radial velocities.
Joyce Ann Guzik+2 more
core +6 more sources