Results 1 to 10 of about 370,442 (325)

A catalogue of merging clusters of galaxies: cluster partners, merging subclusters, and post-collision clusters [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv
Clusters of galaxies are merging during the formation of large-scale structures in the Universe. Based on optical survey data, we identify a large sample of pre-mergers of galaxy clusters and merging subclusters in rich clusters. We find 39,382 partners within a velocity difference of 1500 km/s and a projected separation of 5r_{500} around 33,126 main ...

Exploiting Machine Learning and Disequilibrium in Galaxy Clusters to Obtain a Mass Profile

open access: yesThe Astrophysical Journal Letters
We use 3D k -means clustering to characterize galaxy substructure in the A2146 cluster of galaxies ( z = 0.2343). This method objectively characterizes the cluster’s substructure using projected position and velocity data for 67 galaxies within a 2.305 ...
Mark J. Henriksen, Prajwal Panda
doaj   +1 more source

Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies

open access: yes, 1963
Covering the Palomar survey fields of the declination zones +36°, +42°, +48°, +54° between 5^h30^m and 20^h00^m in right ascension.
Zwicky, F., Herzog, E.
openaire   +3 more sources

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