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Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 2019
. The Galaxy Evolution Probe (GEP) is a concept for a mid- and far-infrared space observatory to measure key properties of large samples of galaxies with large and unbiased surveys.
J. Glenn+23 more
semanticscholar +9 more sources
. The Galaxy Evolution Probe (GEP) is a concept for a mid- and far-infrared space observatory to measure key properties of large samples of galaxies with large and unbiased surveys.
J. Glenn+23 more
semanticscholar +9 more sources
Simulating Galaxy Evolution [PDF]
The 9th astrophysics conference: After the dark ages, when galaxies were young (the Universe at 2<Z<5), 1998The forwards approach to galaxy formation and evolution is extremely powerful but leaves several questions unanswered. Foremost among these is the origin of disks.
Bouwens, Rychard J., Silk, Joseph
core +4 more sources
Galaxy evolution in protoclusters [PDF]
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017We investigate galaxy evolution in protoclusters using a semi-analytic model applied to the Millennium Simulation, scaled to a Planck cosmology. We show that the model reproduces the observed behaviour of the star formation history (SFH) both in ...
S. I. Muldrew, N. Hatch, E. Cooke
semanticscholar +6 more sources
Galaxy peculiar velocities and evolution-bias [PDF]
, 2007Galaxy bias can be split into two components: a formation-bias based on the locations of galaxy creation, and an evolution-bias that details their subsequent evolution. In this letter we consider evolution-bias in the peaks model. In this model, galaxy formation takes place at local maxima in the density field, and we analyse the subsequent peculiar ...
Percival, Will J., Schaefer, Bjoern M.
arxiv +4 more sources
Galaxy-galaxy(-galaxy) lensing as a sensitive probe of galaxy evolution [PDF]
2012A&A...547A..77S, 2012The gravitational lensing effect provides various ways to study the mass environment of galaxies. We investigate how galaxy-galaxy(-galaxy) lensing can be used to test models of galaxy formation and evolution. We consider two semi-analytic galaxy formation models based on the Millennium Run N-body simulation: the Durham model by Bower et al. (2006) and
Adelman-McCarthy+46 more
arxiv +3 more sources
A Simple Technique for Predicting High-Redshift Galaxy Evolution [PDF]
, 2015We show that the ratio of galaxies' specific star formation rates (SSFRs) to their host halos' specific mass accretion rates (SMARs) strongly constrains how the galaxies' stellar masses, specific star formation rates, and host halo masses evolve over ...
Behroozi, Peter S., Silk, Joseph
core +2 more sources
Secular evolution in galaxies [PDF]
Symposium - International Astronomical Union, 1985We have adapted the N-body code of Van Albada (1982) to study the secular evolution of a hot collisionless stellar component (E galaxy or galactic bulge) due to slow changes in another component of the same galaxy. Our equilibrium starting model is a non-rotating triaxial ellipsoid with axial ratios 1.3:1.4:2.0; the effects of the “other component” are
A. May, Colin Norman, T. S. van Albada
openalex +3 more sources
The evolution of galaxy formation [PDF]
Astronomy & Geophysics, 2011Our history of understanding galaxy formation could be traced through the development of individual ideas. A cynic might be tempted to suggest that new catchphrases are developed at a faster rate than genuine progress is made.Comment: 10 pages, Plain TeX,
Baugh+20 more
core +4 more sources
The evolution of the galaxy UV luminosity function at redshifts z ≃ 8 – 15 from deep JWST and ground-based near-infrared imaging [PDF]
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022We reduce and analyse the available JWST ERO and ERS NIRCam imaging (SMACS0723, GLASS, CEERS) in combination with the latest deep ground-based near-infrared imaging in the COSMOS field (provided by UltraVISTA DR5) to produce a new measurement of the ...
C. Donnan+13 more
semanticscholar +1 more source
From Clusters to Proto-Clusters: The Infrared Perspective on Environmental Galaxy Evolution [PDF]
Universe, 2022Environment is one of the primary drivers of galaxy evolution; via multiple mechanisms, it can control the critical process of transforming galaxies from star forming to quiescent, commonly termed “quenching”. Despite its importance, however, we still do
S. Alberts, A. Noble
semanticscholar +1 more source