Results 1 to 10 of about 2,680,538 (372)
On the geometry and the topology of parametric curves [PDF]
International ...
Katsamaki, Christina+3 more
openaire +5 more sources
Stringy Geometry and Topology of Orbifolds [PDF]
This is a survey article on the recent development of "stringy geometry and topology of orbifolds", a new subject of mathematics motivated by orbifold string theory.
Yongbin Ruan
arxiv +3 more sources
Vitreous Carbon, Geometry and Topology: A Hollistic Approach [PDF]
Glass-like carbon (GLC) is a complex structure with astonishing properties: isotropic sp2 structure, low density and chemical robustness. Despite the expanded efforts to understand the structure, it remains little known.
Patrice Mélinon
doaj +2 more sources
Geometry without topology as a new conception of geometry [PDF]
A geometric conception is a method of a geometry construction. The Riemannian geometric conception and a new T‐geometric one are considered. T‐geometry is built only on the basis of information included in the metric (distance between two points). Such geometric concepts as dimension, manifold, metric tensor, curve are fundamental in the Riemannian ...
Yuri A. Rylov
+9 more sources
Geometry and Topology of String Junctions [PDF]
We study elliptic fibrations by analyzing suitable deformations of the fibrations and vanishing cycles. We introduce geometric string junctions and describe some of their properties. We show how the structure of the geometric string junctions is naturally related to the Lie algebra structures of the associated singularities.
Grassi, Antonella+2 more
openaire +6 more sources
Geometry and topology of groups [PDF]
This short note is a slightly expanded version of the talk given by the author at the 54th LMD Conference, devoted to present a very informal and brief introduction to the main ideas of the asymptotic geometry of groups.
Daniele Ettore Otera
doaj +2 more sources
Characterization of the geometry and topology of DNA pictured as a discrete collection of atoms. [PDF]
The structural and physical properties of DNA are closely related to its geometry and topology. The classical mathematical treatment of DNA geometry and topology in terms of ideal smooth space curves was not designed to characterize the spatial ...
Clauvelin N, Olson WK, Tobias I.
europepmc +2 more sources
Geometry and Topology of Turbulence in Active Nematics [PDF]
The problem of low Reynolds number turbulence in active nematic fluids is theoretically addressed. Using numerical simulations, I demonstrate that an incompressible turbulent flow, in two-dimensional active nematics, consists of an ensemble of vortices ...
Luca Giomi
doaj +2 more sources
Geometry, topology, and string theory [PDF]
A variety of scenarios are considered which shed light upon the uses and limitations of classical geometric and topological notions in string theory. The primary focus is on situations in which D-brane or string probes of a given classical space-time see the geometry quite differently than one might naively expect.
Uday Varadarajan
openalex +4 more sources
Kähler geometry and Chern insulators: Relations between topology and the quantum metric [PDF]
Bruno Mera 2, 3 and Tomoki Ozawa Instituto de Telecomunicações, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Departmento de F́ısica, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av.
B. Mera, T. Ozawa
semanticscholar +1 more source