Results 1 to 10 of about 726,763 (163)

Hidden Hot Dark Matter as Cold Dark Matter [PDF]

open access: greenarXiv, 2009
We show that hidden hot dark matter, hidden-sector dark matter with interactions that decouple when it is relativistic, is a viable dark matter candidate provided it has never been in thermal equilibrium with the particles of the standard model. This hidden hot dark matter may reheat to a lower temperature and number density than the visible Universe ...
Sigurdson, Kris
arxiv   +9 more sources

Hot QCD and warm dark matter [PDF]

open access: hybridProceedings of XXIVth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LAT2006), 2006
One of the possible explanations for the dark matter needed in the standard cosmological model is so-called warm dark matter, in the form of right-handed ("sterile") neutrinos with a mass in the keV range.
Laine, M.
core   +8 more sources

A Warm-Plus-Hot Dark Matter Universe [PDF]

open access: greenPhys.Rev. D52 (1995) 5480-5485, 1995
We investigate a new hybrid-model universe containing two types of dark matter, one ``warm'' and the other ``hot''. The hot component is an ordinary light neutrino with mass $\sim 25h^2$~eV while the warm component is a sterile neutrino with mass $\sim 700h^2$~eV. The two types of dark matter arise entirely within the neutrino sector and do not require
Robert Malaney   +2 more
arxiv   +6 more sources

Model of the Galaxy with Hot Dark Matter [PDF]

open access: goldOpen Astronomy, 2018
The model of the galaxy is considered as a structure of the baryonic matter embedded into the hot dark matter. The dark matter is supposed to come into being from the decaying matter after the epoch of structure formation.
Khokhlov Dmitri L.
doaj   +4 more sources

Hot-dark matter, cold dark matter and accelerating universe [PDF]

open access: greenarXiv, 2006
The Friedman equation is solved for a universe contains hotdark matter and cold dark matter. In this scenario, hot-dark matter drives an accelerating universe no cold dark matter.
Abbas Farmany   +2 more
arxiv   +5 more sources

Axion hot dark matter bounds

open access: green, 2008
We derive cosmological limits on two-component hot dark matter consisting of neutrinos and axions. We restrict the large-scale structure data to the safely linear regime, excluding the Lyman-alpha forest.
Hannestad, S.   +3 more
core   +5 more sources

Hot Dark Matter in Cosmology [PDF]

open access: greenarXiv, 2000
Cosmological dark matter in the form of neutrinos with masses of up to a few electron volts is known as hot dark matter. After an historical review of the subject, this article considers constraints on hot dark matter from current data on neutrino oscillations and on cosmology.
Joel R. Primack, Michael Groß
arxiv   +7 more sources

Whatever Happened to Hot Dark Matter? [PDF]

open access: greenSLAC Beam Line 31N3 (2001) 50-57, 2001
This article summarizes the possible roles of neutrinos in cosmology, from the first three minutes onward. The fact that primordial neutrinos are about as numerous as the photons of the cosmological background radiation means that neutrino (or ``hot'') dark matter can have a significant impact upon how matter is distributed in the universe.
Joel R. Primack
arxiv   +5 more sources

Interacting hot dark matter [PDF]

open access: greenPhysical Review D, 1997
We discuss the viability of a light particle ($\sim 30$ eV neutrino) with strong self-interactions as a dark matter candidate. The interaction prevents the neutrinos from free-streaming during the radiation dominated regime so galaxy sized density perturbations can survive. Smaller scale perturbations are damped due to neutrino diffusion.
F. Atrio‐Barandela, Sacha Davidson
openalex   +4 more sources

New interactions in the dark sector mediated by dark energy [PDF]

open access: yesPhys.Rev.D77:043006,2008, 2007
Cosmological observations have revealed the existence of a dark matter sector, which is commonly assumed to be made up of one particle species only. However, this sector might be more complicated than we currently believe: there might be more than one dark matter species (for example two components of cold dark matter or a mixture of hot and cold dark ...
Anthony W. Brookfield   +4 more
arxiv   +5 more sources

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