Results 1 to 10 of about 216,778 (278)

Association between frailty and mortality among patients with accidental hypothermia: a nationwide observational study in Japan

open access: yesBMC Geriatrics, 2021
Background Frailty has been associated with a risk of adverse outcomes, and mortality in patients with various conditions. However, there have been few studies on whether or not frailty is associated with mortality in patients with accidental hypothermia
Shuhei Takauji   +18 more
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Influence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic on the incidence of heat stroke and heat exhaustion in Japan: a nationwide observational study based on the Heatstroke STUDY 2019 (without COVID‐19) and 2020 (with COVID‐19)

open access: yesAcute Medicine & Surgery, 2022
Aim To assess heat stroke and heat exhaustion occurrence and response during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Japan. Methods This retrospective, multicenter, registry‐based study describes and compares the characteristics of patients between the ...
Jun Kanda   +20 more
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Accidental hypothermia: characteristics, outcomes, and prognostic factors—A nationwide observational study in Japan (Hypothermia study 2018 and 2019)

open access: yesAcute Medicine & Surgery, 2021
Aim This study describes the clinical characteristics and outcomes as well as the prognostic factors of patients with accidental hypothermia (AH) using Japan’s nationwide registry data. Methods The Hypothermia study 2018 and 2019, which included patients
Shuhei Takauji   +17 more
doaj   +1 more source

Benefits of Hypothermia for Young Patients with Acute Subdural Hematoma: A Computed Tomography Analysis of the Brain Hypothermia Study

open access: yesNeurotrauma Reports, 2022
Therapeutic hypothermia for severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been repeatedly studied, but no past studies have assessed the detailed head computed tomography (CT) findings.
Hitoshi Kobata   +14 more
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External validation of 5A score model for predicting in-hospital mortality among the accidental hypothermia patients: JAAM-Hypothermia study 2018–2019 secondary analysis

open access: yesJournal of Intensive Care, 2022
Background The 5A score including five components “Age, Activities of daily living, Arrest, Acidemia and Albumin” was developed as an easy-to-use screening tool for predicting in-hospital mortality among patients with accidental hypothermia. However, the
Yohei Okada   +5 more
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Current status of active cooling, deep body temperature measurement, and face mask wearing in heat stroke and heat exhaustion patients in Japan: a nationwide observational study based on the Heatstroke STUDY 2020 and 2021

open access: yesAcute Medicine & Surgery, 2023
Aim The study aimed to determine the current status of face mask use, deep body temperature measurement, and active cooling in patients suffering from heat stroke and heat exhaustion in Japan.
Jun Kanda   +19 more
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Difference between 5A score and the HOPE score

open access: yesJournal of Intensive Care, 2022
Recently, a letter to the editor was published to comment on the 5A score which is the prediction model for accidental hypothermia patients comparing the HOPE score.
Yohei Okada   +5 more
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Hypothermia-Mediated Apoptosis and Inflammation Contribute to Antioxidant and Immune Adaption in Freshwater Drum, Aplodinotus grunniens

open access: yesAntioxidants, 2022
Hypothermia-exposure-induced oxidative stress dysregulates cell fate and perturbs cellular homeostasis and function, thereby disturbing fish health. To evaluate the impact of hypothermia on the freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), an 8-day experiment
Jianxiang Chen   +11 more
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HSP70-mediated neuroprotection by combined treatment of valproic acid with hypothermia in a rat asphyxial cardiac arrest model.

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2021
It has been reported that valproic acid (VPA) combined with therapeutic hypothermia can improve survival and neurologic outcomes in a rat asphyxial cardiac arrest model. However, neuroprotective mechanisms of such combined treatment of valproic acid with
Joo Suk Oh   +6 more
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Incidence and associated factors of perioperative hypothermia in adult patients at a university-based, tertiary care hospital in Thailand

open access: yesBMC Anesthesiology, 2023
Background Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia is an unintentional drop in core body temperature to less than 36 °C perioperatively and is associated with many negative outcomes such as infection, a prolonged stay in a recovery room, and decreased ...
Mingkwan Wongyingsinn, Varut Pookprayoon
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