Results 1 to 10 of about 18,290,044 (218)

Storing information of stroke rehabilitation patients using blockchain technology: a software study [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Yeungnam Medical Science, 2022
Background Stroke patients usually experience damage to multiple functions and a long rehabilitation period. Hence, there is a large volume of patient clinical information.
Min Cheol Chang
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Overview of ChatGPT Technology and its Potential in Improving Tourism Information Services

open access: yesJurnal Minfo Polgan, 2023
Tourism is one of the important economic sectors for many countries, including Indonesia. Along with the development of technology and the internet, the way people seek information about tourism has also changed. This research aims to conduct a review of
M. A. K. Harahap   +4 more
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Informacijske usluge visokoškolskih biblioteka u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine za vrijeme pandemije covid-19 = Information Services of Academic Libraries in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina during The Covid-19 Pandemic

open access: yesBosniaca, 2021
Globalna pandemija prouzrokovana virusom COVID-19 bitno je utjecala na poslovanje u visokoškolskim bibliotekama u cijelom svijetu, a cilj ovoga istraživanja je utvrditi kako su javne visokoškolske biblioteke u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine prilagodile i/
Lejla Hajdarpašić   +2 more
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Climate information services available to farming households in Northern Region, Ghana

open access: yesWeather, Climate, and Society, 2022
Climate information services can build the resilience of African farmers to address the increasing threats associated with climate change. This study used household surveys with 200 farmers and focus group discussions to identify the types of climate ...
Frank Baffour‐Ata   +5 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Changes in the absolute numbers and proportions of open access articles from 2000 to 2021 based on the Web of Science Core Collection: a bibliometric study [PDF]

open access: yesScience Editing, 2023
Purpose The ultimate goal of current open access (OA) initiatives is for library services to use OA resources. This study aimed to assess the infrastructure for OA scholarly information services by tabulating the number and proportion of OA articles in a
Jeong-Wook Seo
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Fluxos de produção e comunicação científica sobre a “satisfação de usuários”: um exame bibliométrico na base de dados da Ciência da Informação

open access: yesPáginas a&b, 2020
Introduction: the satisfaction of the interactant involves a field of study of Information Science that seeks to understand the influences of internal and external factors and the social components that interfere in the management of the process of ...
Rosa da Penha Ferreira da Costa   +1 more
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Serious Leisure and Information Behavior Research [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Library and Information Studies, 2005
Along with the development of technology, social evolution, and global economics, leisure becomes an important aspect in modern societies, so do leisure industries.
Shan-Ju L. Chang
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Information Referral System in the Health System [PDF]

open access: yesTaṣvīr-i salāmat, 2023
Within the healthcare system, health services have been categorized into different levels to enhance healthcare management. The concept of service leveling involves the provision of services in a sequential and adaptable manner.
Vahideh Zarea Gavgani
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Assessing of the collection and services of the periodicals department at the Central Library of the University of Mosul [PDF]

open access: yesآداب الرافدين, 1989
n light of the recent developments witnessed by the movement of scientific research in the University of Mosul, represented by horizontal and vertical expansion in graduate studies, the increase in the number of researchers in their different categories,
Mahmood Mohamed
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When Going Digital Becomes a Necessity: Ensuring Older Adults’ Needs for Information, Services, and Social Inclusion During COVID-19

open access: yesJournal of Aging & Social Policy, 2020
Older adults are in triple jeopardy during COVID-19: compared with younger people, older adults are (1) more likely to develop serious conditions and experience higher mortality; (2) less likely to obtain high quality information or services online; and (
Bo Xie   +5 more
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