A Holistic Approach on Smart Garment for Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis [PDF]
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is a widespread and chronic condition that affects children and adolescents worldwide. The person suffering from JIA is characterized by chronic joint inflammation leading to pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited body movements. Individuals suffering from JIA require ongoing treatment for their lifetime.
arxiv +1 more source
Stage structured prey-predator model incorporating mortal peril consequential to inefficiency and habitat complexity in juvenile hunting [PDF]
Dynamic exploration for a predator-prey bio-system of two species with ratio-dependent functional response is carried out, where the capability to predate in both the stages of the predator, the juvenile and the matured, is taken into account. But, only the matured predators are inferred to be efficient in killing the prey without any negative ...
arxiv +1 more source
The Mechanism of Pattern Transitions between Formation and Dispersion [PDF]
The patterns observed on the body surface of living organisms have traditionally been attributed solely to ecological strategies. However, this study investigates a fascinating phenomenon in Pelodiscus sinensis, where patterns formed on the plastron during embryonic and juvenile stages, which are not externally visible, ultimately disappear in ...
arxiv +1 more source
Syneruptive sequential fragmentation of pyroclasts from fractal modeling of grain size distributions of fall deposits: The Cretaio Tephra eruption (Ischia Island, Italy) [PDF]
In this work we used fractal statistics in order to decipher the mechanisms acting during explosive volcanic eruptions by studying the grain size distribution (GSD) of natural pyroclastic-fall deposits. The method was applied to lithic-rich proximal deposits from a stratigraphic section of the Cretaio Tephra eruption (Ischia Island, Italy).
arxiv +1 more source
Deep Slap Fingerprint Segmentation for Juveniles and Adults [PDF]
Many fingerprint recognition systems capture four fingerprints in one image. In such systems, the fingerprint processing pipeline must first segment each four-fingerprint slap into individual fingerprints. Note that most of the current fingerprint segmentation algorithms have been designed and evaluated using only adult fingerprint datasets.
Eumelanin-based colouration reflects local survival of juvenile feral pigeons in an urban pigeon house [PDF]
Urbanisation introduces deep changes in habitats, eventually creating new urban ecosystems where ecological functions are driven by human activities. The higher frequency of some phenotypes in urban vs rural/wild areas has led to the assumption that directional selection in urban habitats occurs, which may thereby favour some behavioural and ...
arxiv +1 more source
Starch metabolism and antiflorigenic signals modulate the juvenile-to-adult phase transition in Arabidopsis [PDF]
The physiology and genetics underlying juvenility is poorly understood. Here we exploit Arabidopsis as a system to understand the mechanisms that regulate floral incompetence during juvenility. Using an experimental assay that allows the length of juvenility to be estimated, and mutants impaired in different pathways, we show that multiple inputs ...
arxiv +1 more source
Update on the multimodal pathophysiological dataset of gradual cerebral ischemia in a cohort of juvenile pigs: auditory, sensory and high-frequency sensory evoked potentials [PDF]
We expand from a spontaneous to an evoked potentials (EP) data set of brain electrical activities as electrocorticogram (ECoG) and electrothalamogram (EThG) in juvenile pig under various sedation, ischemia and recovery states. This EP data set includes three stimulation paradigms: auditory (AEP, 40 and 2000 Hz), sensory (SEP, left and right maxillary ...
arxiv +1 more source
Effects of stage structure on coexistence: mixed benefits [PDF]
The properties of competition models where all individuals are identical are relatively well-understood; however, juveniles and adults can experience or generate competition differently. We study here less well-known structured competition models in discrete time that allow multiple life history parameters to depend on adult or juvenile population ...
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Nursery Habitat Using Bayesian Inference: Environmental Drivers of Juvenile Blue Crab Abundance [PDF]
Nursery grounds are favorable for growth and survival of juvenile fish and crustaceans through abundant food resources and refugia, and enhance secondary production of populations. While small-scale studies remain important tools to assess nursery value of habitats, targeted applications that unify survey data over large spatiotemporal scales are vital