Results 1 to 10 of about 56,204 (391)

Krypton assay in xenon at the ppq level using a gas chromatographic system and mass spectrometer [PDF]

open access: yesEur. Phys. J. C (2014) 74:2746, 2013
We have developed a new method to measure krypton traces in xenon at unprecedented low concentrations. This is a mandatory task for many near-future low-background particle physics detectors. Our system separates krypton from xenon using cryogenic gas chromatography. The amount of krypton is then quantified using a mass spectrometer.
Lindemann, Sebastian, Simgen, Hardy
arxiv   +6 more sources

Discovery of the Krypton Isotopes [PDF]

open access: yesAtom.Data Nucl.Data Tabl.96:333,2010, 2009
Thirty-two krypton isotopes have been observed so far; the discovery of these isotopes is discussed. For each isotope a brief summary of the first refereed publication, including the production and identification method, is presented.
A. Fritsch   +4 more
arxiv   +5 more sources

Neuroprotective Effects of Krypton Inhalation on Photothrombotic Ischemic Stroke [PDF]

open access: yesBiomedicines
This is the first in vivo study to investigate the neuroprotective effects of krypton on focal cerebral ischemia. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of 2 h of inhalation of a krypton–oxygen mixture (Kr 70%/O2 30%) on the recovery of ...
Viktoriya V. Antonova   +11 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Clathrate hydrates as a sink of noble gases in Titan's atmosphere [PDF]

open access: yes, 2007
We use a statistical thermodynamic approach to determine the composition of clathrate hydrates which may form from a multiple compound gas whose composition is similar to that of Titan's atmosphere. Assuming that noble gases are initially present in this gas phase, we calculate the ratios of xenon, krypton and argon to species trapped in clathrate ...
Alibert   +18 more
arxiv   +3 more sources

Protonated Clusters of Neon and Krypton [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2019
We present a study of cationic and protonated clusters of neon and krypton. Recent studies using argon have shown that protonated rare gas clusters can have very different magic sizes than pure, cationic clusters. Here we find that neon behaves similarly to argon, but that the cationic krypton is more similar to its protonated counterparts than the ...
Arne Schiller   +4 more
arxiv   +6 more sources

Sekundärionenbildung in Krypton [PDF]

open access: hybridZeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 1963
Elektronenstoßuntersuchungen bei höherem Druck (maximal 10—2 Torr) in der Ionenquelle eines Massenspektrometers geben interessante Aufschlüsse über den Mechanismus der Sekundärionenbildung in Krypton. Messungen der Druckabhängigkeit der Bildung des Molekülions Kr2 + sowie die Abhängigkeit dieses Prozesses von der Energie der stoßenden
F. J. Comes
openaire   +3 more sources

Safety and therapeutic efficacy of 577 nm yellow solid krypton laser for retinopathy of prematurity; A prospective pilot study [PDF]

open access: yesIndian Journal of Ophthalmology
Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of 577 nm yellow solid krypton laser as an independent treatment modality for Retinopathy of Prematurity. Design: Prospective, non-comparative, non-randomized, interventional.
Aneesha Vyas   +2 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Measurements of the Secondary Electron Emission from Rare Gases at 4.2K [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2013
Dependence of the secondary electron yield (SEY) from the primary beam incident energy and the coverage has been measured for neon, argon, krypton and xenon condensed on a target at 4.2K. The beam energy ranged between 100 eV and 3 keV, the maximal applied coverage have made up 12000, 4700, 2500 and 1400 monolayers correspondingly for neon, argon ...
Barnard, J., Bozhko, Y., Hilleret, N.
arxiv   +2 more sources

Fostering Economic Resilience through ABCD Methods on a Community Engagement Program at Sidetapa Village, Buleleng, Bali

open access: yesProceedings, 2023
Sidetapa Village is located in Buleleng province, Bali, Indonesia. Economic resilience has become a priority due to the devastating impact of the recent pandemic on this village.
Arius Krypton
doaj   +1 more source

Demonstration of a diode-pumped dual-wavelength metastable krypton laser

open access: yesHigh Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2023
Diode-pumped rare gas lasers are potential candidates for high-energy and high-beam quality laser systems. Currently, most investigations are focused on metastable Ar lasers.
Qingshan Liu   +6 more
doaj   +1 more source

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