Airway management during ongoing chest compressions-direct vs. video laryngoscopy. A randomised manikin study. [PDF]
, 2023BACKGROUND Tracheal intubation is used for advanced airway management during cardiac arrest, particularly when basic airway techniques cannot ensure adequate ventilation.
Hischier, Simon+4 more
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Attenuation of hemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation: Propacetamol versus lidocaine - A randomized clinical trial [PDF]
, 2014The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of propacetamol on attenuating hemodynamic responses subsequent laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation compared to lidocaine.
Darabi, H.+11 more
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Should the Glidescope video laryngoscope be used first line for all oral intubations or only in those with a difficult airway? A review of current literature [PDF]
, 2018The purpose of this study was to review literature that looked into the efficacy of the Glidescope video laryngoscope versus the Macintosh laryngoscope in oral endotracheal intubations.
Hormis, Anil, Russell, Terrie-Marie
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The response of bispectral index to laryngoscopy, comparison between hemispheres in patients with a brain tumour versus a healthy control group [PDF]
, 2013Background and Goal of Study: Electroencephalogram during anaesthesia may be affected by brain tumour.(1) We studied whether patients with a brain tumour have different BIS responses after laryngoscopy (LAR).
De Hert, Stefan+5 more
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A novel multivariate STeady-state index during general ANesthesia (STAN) [PDF]
, 2017The assessment of the adequacy of general anesthesia for surgery, namely the nociception/anti-nociception balance, has received wide attention from the scientific community. Monitoring systems based on the frontal EEG/EMG, or autonomic state reactions (e.
A Albertin+34 more
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Piloting mobile mixed reality simulation in paramedic distance education [PDF]
, 2017New pedagogical methods delivered through mobile mixed reality (via a user-supplied mobile phone incorporating 3d printing and augmented reality) are becoming possible in distance education, shifting pedagogy from 2D images, words and videos to ...
Birt, James+2 more
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Tracheal intubation without neuromuscular blocking drugs in children [PDF]
, 2009No abstract ...
Aantaa+52 more
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Perceived vocal morbidity in a problem asthma clinic [PDF]
, 2009<p>Aims: Asthma treatment has the potential to affect patients' voices. We undertook detailed characterisation of voice morbidity in patients attending a problem asthma clinic, and we determined how patients' perceptions related to objective ...
A E Stanton+13 more
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Using the literature to quantify the learning curve: a case study [PDF]
, 2007Objective: To assess whether a literature review of a technology can allow a learning curve to be quantified. Methods: The literature for fibreoptic intubation was searched for studies reporting information relevant to the learning curve.
Cook, Jonathan Alistair+2 more
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Evaluating Laryngopharyngeal Tumor Extension Using Narrow Band Imaging Versus Conventional White Light Imaging [PDF]
, 2021OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS: Comparing detection and extension of malignant tumors by flexible laryngoscopy in the outpatient setting with laryngoscopy under general anesthesia using both White Light Imaging (WLI) and Narrow Band Imaging (NBI).
Halmos, Gyorgy B+4 more
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