Results 1 to 10 of about 4,937,789 (262)
X-ray measured metallicities of the intra-cluster medium: a good measure for the metal mass? [PDF]
Aims. We investigate whether X-ray observations map heavy elements in the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) well and whether the X-ray observations yield good estimates for the metal mass, with respect to predictions on transport mech- anisms of heavy elements from galaxies into the ICM. We further test the accuracy of simulated metallicity maps. Methods.
Anders+20 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Catalytic oxidation of organic sulfides is of considerable significance in industrial chemistry and fuel industry. Therefore, numerous methods have been developed for the oxidation. Metal-containing ionic liquid-based catalysts can catalyze the selective
Xiao Bing Liu+4 more
doaj +1 more source
Aims: Large-diameter metal-on-metal (MoM) total hip arthroplasty (THA) has demonstrated unexpected high failure rates and pseudotumour formation. The purpose of this prospective cohort study is to report ten-year results in order to establish revision ...
Christiaan P. van Lingen+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Metal Preferences and Metallation [PDF]
The metal binding preferences of most metalloproteins do not match their metal requirements. Thus, metallation of an estimated 30% of metalloenzymes is aided by metal delivery systems, with ∼ 25% acquiring preassembled metal cofactors. The remaining ∼ 70% are presumed to compete for metals from buffered metal pools.
Foster, Andrew W.+2 more
openaire +5 more sources
Time-reversal symmetric topological metal [PDF]
Topological metals possess gapless band structures accompanied with nontrivial edge states. Topological metals are created from the topological insulators by adjusting the magnetic flux. Here we propose the time-reversal symmetry protected topological metal without employing the magnetic flux.
arxiv +1 more source
Spatial metallicity variations of mono-temperature stellar populations revealed by early-type stars in LAMOST [PDF]
We investigate the radial metallicity gradients and azimuthal metallicity distributions on the Galactocentric $X$--$Y$ plane using mono-temperature stellar populations selected from LAMOST MRS young stellar sample. The estimated radial metallicity gradient ranges from $-$0.015\,dex/kpc to $-$0.07\,dex/kpc, which decreases as effective temperature ...
arxiv +1 more source
Reproduction Sensitivity of Five Daphnia Species to Nickel
In Japan, data on the reproduction sensitivity of Daphnia magna, which is a widely used organism in laboratory toxicity tests, to nickel are key to determination of water quality target values for nickel, which are used to set values for the ...
Hiroyuki Mano+2 more
doaj +1 more source
Is the atomic metal vapor a dielectric state? [PDF]
We propose a simple method for calculating the metal vapor conductivity at the critical point and near-critical isotherms. This method's base is the hypothesis of an electron jellium's existence as an origin of the conduction band in metal vapor's gaseous phase. Satisfactory agreement with the experimental data for alkali metals (Cs, Rb) concludes that
arxiv +1 more source
Tailored ZnS/Ag/TiOx transparent and conductive electrode for organic solar cells
Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVCs) attract high interest for solar energy harvesting. They are based on organic thin films sandwiched between two electrodes, one of them being transparent and conductive.
Cherif Mohamed Ahmed+4 more
doaj +1 more source