Results 1 to 10 of about 2,082,791 (322)
What Opportunities Exist for Making the Food Supply Nutrition Friendly? A Policy Space Analysis in Mexico [PDF]
Background As part of a global policy response for addressing malnutrition, food system actions have been proposed. Within food system interventions, policies directed to supply chains have the potential to increase the availability and affordability of
Gloria Cervantes+4 more
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Estimate population projections in the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico. Years 2010-2020-2050 [PDF]
The task of projecting the number of inhabitants is based on rigorous calculations, on prior knowledge about the behavior of demographic variables that imply population entries or exits.
Yuliana Gabriela Román-Sánchez+2 more
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Mexico’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth: Full report
Objectives. Mexicos 2018 Report Card evaluates the opportunities available for Mexican children and youth to reach healthy levels of physical activity, sleep, and sedentary behavior. Methods.
Gabriela Argumedo+13 more
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La industria minera y su enfoque de sostenibilidad en Méjico
La minería en Méjico es esencial en la integración de la riqueza nacional y relevante en la política económica nacional. La riqueza de minerales como cobre, oro, plata, zinc, entre otros, es extensa. Esta industria tiene más de 300 años en funcionamiento
María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal+2 more
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Doing Marginalized Motherhood: Identities and Practices among Incarcerated Women in Mexico
This study examines the mothering practices and identities of incarcerated women in Mexico. Data gathered from repeated life-story interviews with 12 women, were analyzed to describe mothering practices in the different phases of incarcerated women’s ...
Sveinung Sandberg+2 more
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This paper shows the actual conditions of freshwater availability in Baja California (BC), Mexico. It aims to estimate the water needs by 2030, and propose scenarios to move out of the scarce water region classification defined by international ...
A. Cortés-Ruiz, I. Azuz-Adeath
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Infection of Aedes mosquitoes by native Wolbachia in urban cemeteries of Southern Mexico
Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of Wolbachia infections in Aedes spp. field populations from cemeteries of Southern Mexico. Materials and methods.
Jorge Aurelio Torres-Monzón+2 more
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В данной статье рассматривается проблема формирования языкового образа президента Мексики Андреса Мануэля Лопеса Обрадора в текстах национальных СМИ. Особое внимание уделено изучению устойчивых, регулярно воспроизводимых смыслов – семантических доминант,
Гулевец Н.А.
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The first erosion of democracy in Latin America did not occur in the twentieth-century, but, rather, the nineteenth. I will argue that in Mexico and Colombia a vibrant, democratic political culture had emerged by the 1850s; however, by the 1870s, a ...
James E. Sanders
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INTRODUCTION. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) preventive vaccine emerged in 2000’s first decade as a biomedical alternative to decrease cervical cases rates, that represent one of the leading death causes among young women in Latin America and other ...
César Torres-Cruz
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