Results 1 to 10 of about 9,080 (250)
Downslope windstorm in Iceland – WRF/MM5 model comparison [PDF]
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011A severe windstorm downstream of Mt. Öræfajökull in Southeast Iceland is simulated on a grid of 1 km horizontal resolution by using the PSU/NCAR MM5 model and the Advanced Research WRF model.
Ó. Rögnvaldsson+3 more
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Development and optimization of the IPM MM5 GPS slant path 4DVAR system [PDF]
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2008This article describes the development of tools for routine 4-dimensional variational data assimilation of Global Positioning System Slant Total Delay (STD) data in the framework of the MM5 system at the Institute of Physics and Meteorology of the ...
Florian Zus+5 more
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The Same‐Source Parallel MM5 [PDF]
Scientific Programming, 2000Beginning with the March 1998 release of the Penn State University/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5), and continuing through eight subsequent releases up to the present, the official version has run on distributed ‐memory (DM) parallel computers. Source translation and runtime library support minimize the impact of parallelization on the original model source
John Michalakes
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GFDL-Type Typhoon Initialization in MM5
Monthly Weather Review, 2002Abstract The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) hurricane initialization algorithm is implemented in the community fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5). This work is applied to the MM5-based Regional Data Assimilation and Prediction System model (RDAPS), the Korea ...
Hyo Sang Chung+4 more
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Incremental Analysis Updates Initialization Technique Applied to 10-km MM5 and MM5 3DVAR
Monthly Weather Review, 2006Abstract An incremental analysis updates (IAU) technique is implemented for 3-h updates of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5) three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) and model system with a 10-km resolution to remove spurious gravity waves.
Ying-Hwa Kuo+3 more
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The impact of MM5 and WRF meteorology over complex terrain on CHIMERE model calculations [PDF]
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2009The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of meteorological input data on calculated gas and aerosol concentrations. We use two different meteorological models (MM5 and WRF) together with the chemistry transport model CHIMERE. We focus on the
A. de Meij+7 more
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Weather and Forecasting, 2003
Abstract This paper describes the multiseason verification of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Eta Model over the eastern two-thirds of the United States and surrounding coastal waters during the cool (1 November–
Brian A. Colle+2 more
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Abstract This paper describes the multiseason verification of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Eta Model over the eastern two-thirds of the United States and surrounding coastal waters during the cool (1 November–
Brian A. Colle+2 more
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Evaluation of Interregional Transport Using the MM5–SCIPUFF System
Journal of Applied Meteorology, 2004Abstract Improved understanding of transport issues and source–receptor relationships on the interregional scale is dependent on reducing the uncertainties in the ability to define complex three-dimensional wind fields evolving in time.
David R. Stauffer+3 more
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Thermally driven circulation in a region of complex topography: comparison of wind-profiling radar measurements and MM5 numerical predictions [PDF]
Annales Geophysicae, 2006The diurnal variation of regional wind patterns in the complex terrain of Central Italy was investigated for summer fair-weather conditions and winter time periods using a radar wind profiler.
L. Bianco+5 more
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Tracer Advection Using Dynamic Grid Adaptation and MM5 [PDF]
Monthly Weather Review, 2005Abstract A dynamic grid adaptation (DGA) technique is used to numerically simulate tracer transport at meso- and regional scales. A gridpoint redistribution scheme is designed to maximize heuristic characteristics of a “good” grid. The advective solver used in conjunction with the DGA is the multidimensional positive definite advection ...
Iselin, John P.+2 more
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