The Topology-Dependent Permutation Test for Monophyly Does Not Test for Monophyly [PDF]
Systematic Biology, 1996^Laboratory of Molecular Systematics, MRC-534, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, USA; Email: Program in Statistical Genetics, Statistics Department, Box 8203, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-8203, USA; Email: ^Department of Genetics, University of Washington, Box ...
David L. Swofford+3 more
openalex +2 more sources
Monophyly of brachiopods and phoronids: reconciliation of molecular evidence with Linnaean classification (the subphylum Phoroniformea nov.) [PDF]
, 2000Molecular phylogenetic analyses of aligned 18S rDNA gene sequences from articulate and inarticulate brachiopods representing all major extant lineages, an enhanced set of phoronids and several unrelated protostome taxa, confirm previous indications that ...
Bernard L. Cohen+4 more
core +4 more sources
Wētā Aotearoa—Polyphyly of the New Zealand Anostostomatidae (Insecta: Orthoptera) [PDF]
InsectsThe Anostostomatidae of Aotearoa New Zealand are well-characterized at the genus and species level, but the higher-level systematics of the family as a whole remain poorly resolved.
Steven A. Trewick+2 more
doaj +2 more sources
Evaluating the monophyly of Mammillaria series Supertextae (Cactaceae) [PDF]
PhytoKeys, 2021Mammillaria (Cactaceae) taxonomy has been historically problematic due to the morphological variability and sympatry of the species. This has led to several proposals for infrageneric classification, including subgeneric, section and series categories ...
Cristian R. Cervantes+4 more
doaj +5 more sources
Mathematical Models and Biological Meaning: Taking Trees Seriously [PDF]
, 2008We compare three basic kinds of discrete mathematical models used to portray phylogenetic relationships among species and higher taxa: phylogenetic trees, Hennig trees and Nelson cladograms. All three models are trees, as that term is commonly used in mathematics; the difference between them lies in the biological interpretation of their vertices and ...
Blackburn, David+2 more
arxiv +6 more sources
Clades, clans and reciprocal monophyly under neutral evolutionary models [PDF]
arXiv, 2011The Yule model and the coalescent model are two neutral stochastic models for generating trees in phylogenetics and population genetics, respectively. Although these models are quite different, they lead to identical distributions concerning the probability that pre-specified groups of taxa form monophyletic groups (clades) in the tree.
Sha Zhu, J. H. Degnan, Mike Steel
arxiv +3 more sources
Calibrated Tree Priors for Relaxed Phylogenetics and Divergence Time Estimation [PDF]
arXiv, 2011The use of fossil evidence to calibrate divergence time estimation has a long history. More recently Bayesian MCMC has become the dominant method of divergence time estimation and fossil evidence has been re-interpreted as the specification of prior distributions on the divergence times of calibration nodes.
Alexei J. Drummond+13 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Molecules, morphology, and the monophyly of diapsid reptiles [PDF]
Contributions to Zoology, 2001The morphological and molecular evidence for higher-level reptile relationships is reassessed. A combined analysis of 176 osteological, 40 soft anatomical, and 2903 (1783 aligned) molecular characters in 28 amniote taxa yields the traditional reptile tree.
Michael S. Y. Lee
openalex +3 more sources
Cladistics, 1995Abstract — Randomization routines have quickly gained wide usage in phylogenetic systematies. Introduced a decade ago, the jackknife has rarely been applied in cladistic methodology. This data resampling technique was re‐investigated here as a means to discover the effect that taxon removal may have on the stability of the results obtained from ...
Mark E. Siddall
openalex +4 more sources
Monophyly or paraphyly--the taxonomy of Holcoglossum (Aeridinae: Orchidaceae). [PDF]
PLoS ONE, 2012Recently, there have been a lot of intense debates about the acceptance/rejection of paraphyletic groups in biological classification. On the one hand, evolutionary classification states that similarity and common descent are two criteria for biological ...
Xiaoguo Xiang+6 more
doaj +5 more sources