Results 1 to 10 of about 1,184,199 (339)

Foreword for isotopic generalizations of quantum theories

open access: yesRatio Mathematica
Here it is attempted to give a brief introduction to the work of Ruggero San- tilli via a slightly more detailed discussion of two areas in which he has made major contributions.
Davies J. Dunning
doaj   +1 more source

Application of AdS/CFT in Nuclear Physics

open access: yesAdvances in High Energy Physics, 2014
We review some recent progress in studying the nuclear physics especially nucleon-nucleon (NN) force within the gauge-gravity duality, in context of noncritical string theory.
M. R. Pahlavani, R. Morad
doaj   +1 more source

Verification of daily dose recalculation accuracy for an adaptive radiation therapy monitoring tool in helical tomotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

open access: yesJournal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, EarlyView.
Abstract Purpose PreciseART, an adaptive radiation therapy (ART) software for helical tomotherapy (HT), was integrated into the Precision treatment planning system (Accuray, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA). It supports automatic monitoring of dose variations to both the target and organs at risk (OARs) throughout the treatment course.
Yawitta Maneepan   +4 more
wiley   +1 more source

JACMP 2005–2009

open access: yes
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, EarlyView.
Timothy D. Solberg
wiley   +1 more source

Calibration and volunteer testing of a prototype contactless respiratory motion detection system based on laser tracking

open access: yesJournal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, EarlyView.
Abstract Purpose The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility of a cost‐effective prototype of a laser‐based respiratory motion detection system utilizing a Leuze LDS for breath monitoring through calibration and volunteer tests. Methods This study was performed using the Anzai AZ‐773 V and computerized imaging reference systems (CIRS) motion ...
Isnaini Nur Islami   +6 more
wiley   +1 more source

Extension of algebraic hyperstructures theory to the elementary particle physics and nuclear physics

open access: yesIranian Journal of Physics Research, 2012
Algebraic hyperstructures theory is a natural extension of the classical‎ ‎algebraic structures‎. Because of importance and new viewpoints in this theory, we try to apply this theory to the elementary particle physics and nuclear physics presenting the ...
M Eslami Kalantari   +2 more

Optimization of target grouping in distributive stereotactic radiosurgery using the excel evolutionary solver

open access: yesJournal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, EarlyView.
Abstract Purpose Distributive stereotactic radiosurgery (dSRS) is a form of fractionation where groups of metastases are treated with a full single‐fraction dose on different days. The challenge with dSRS is determining optimal target groupings to maximize the distance between targets treated in the same fraction.
Chester Ramsey   +2 more
wiley   +1 more source

Machine learning based radiomics model to predict radiotherapy induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer

open access: yesJournal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, EarlyView.
Abstract Purpose Cardiotoxicity is one of the major concerns in breast cancer treatment, significantly affecting patient outcomes. To improve the likelihood of favorable outcomes for breast cancer survivors, it is essential to carefully balance the potential advantages of treatment methods with the risks of harm to healthy tissues, including the heart.
Amin Talebi   +6 more
wiley   +1 more source

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