Results 1 to 10 of about 351,944 (292)
Effect of a forensic nursing virtual education course on knowledge and clinical decision-making of master’s nursing students in Iran: a non-equivalent control group pre- and post-test study [PDF]
Purpose Forensic nursing is a specialty in the nursing profession based on legal procedures. This study aimed to assess the effect of a forensic nursing virtual education course on knowledge and clinical decision-making among master’s nursing students ...
Zeynab Firuzi+6 more
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Development of Standards and Criteria for Accreditation of Baccalaureate Nursing Education Program [PDF]
The goal of accreditation is to ensure that the education provided by an institution of higher education meets an acceptable level of quality. This study developed standards and criteria for accreditation of baccalaureate nursing education programs, by ...
Yang Heui Ahn+4 more
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Background Unfortunately, racism and discrimination against Ethnic minority (EM) has been globalized, universally infecting industries worldwide, and the field of nursing has not been spared. In the United States (US), overt and institutionalized racism (
Kechinyere C. Iheduru-Anderson+1 more
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The impact of distance learning on the attitudes of nursing students: An online survey study
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the transition to distance education in nursing education. However, Nursing students are not accustomed to learning through distance learning.This research aimed to determine the effect of distance education method on ...
Songül Çağlar+1 more
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SherLOCKED: A Detective-themed Serious Game for Cyber Security Education [PDF]
Gamification and Serious Games are progressively being used over a host of fields, particularly to support education. Such games provide a new way to engage students with content and can complement more traditional approaches to learning. This article proposes SherLOCKED, a new serious game created in the style of a 2D top-down puzzle adventure.
arxiv +1 more source
Empathy is a fundamental quality that nursing staff should possess, but the empathy ability of nursing students in China is currently at an intermediate level and requires improvement.
Zi-Yun Zhou+3 more
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Background The education of nursing students should be such that the health needs of the community are met, but in Iran, due to some problems, students do not receive such education.
Foroozan Atashzadeh-Shoorideh+3 more
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Privacy Concerns in Chatbot Interactions: When to Trust and When to Worry [PDF]
Through advances in their conversational abilities, chatbots have started to request and process an increasing variety of sensitive personal information. The accurate disclosure of sensitive information is essential where it is used to provide advice and support to users in the healthcare and finance sectors.
arxiv +1 more source
Technology usage for teaching and learning in nursing education: An integrative review
Background: The increasing availability of technology devices or portable digital assistant devices continues to change the teaching-learning landscape, including technology-supported learning. Portable digital assistants and technology usage have become
Gopolang Gause+2 more
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Nursing education and formation is still heterogenous in spite of The Bologna Declaration in 1999. Apart from the existence of basic curriculum standards, universities have flexibility regarding its design.
Celeste Antão+4 more
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