A Universal Ordinary Differential Equation
An astonishing fact was established by Lee A. Rubel (1981): there exists a fixed non-trivial fourth-order polynomial differential algebraic equation (DAE) such that for any positive continuous function $\varphi$ on the reals, and for any positive ...
Bournez, Olivier, Pouly, Amaury
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Embedding of global attractors and their dynamics [PDF]
Using shape theory and the concept of cellularity, we show that if $A$ is the global attractor associated with a dissipative partial differential equation in a real Hilbert space $H$ and the set $A-A$ has finite Assouad dimension $d$, then there is an ...
de Moura, Eleonora Pinto+2 more
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Linearization of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations by Generalized Sundman Transformations [PDF]
The linearization problem of a second-order ordinary differential equation by the generalized Sundman transformation was considered earlier by Duarte, Moreira and Santos using the Laguerre form.
Meleshko, Sergey V., Nakpim, Warisa
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On the discrete and continuous Miura Chain associated with the Sixth Painlevé Equation [PDF]
A Miura chain is a (closed) sequence of differential (or difference) equations that are related by Miura or B\"acklund transformations. We describe such a chain for the sixth Painlev\'e equation (\pvi), containing, apart from \pvi itself, a Schwarzian ...
Ablowitz+25 more
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Gravitating fluids with Lie symmetries
We analyse the underlying nonlinear partial differential equation which arises in the study of gravitating flat fluid plates of embedding class one. Our interest in this equation lies in discussing new solutions that can be found by means of Lie point ...
A M Msomi+9 more
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Use of Complex Lie Symmetries for Linearization of Systems of Differential Equations - I: Ordinary Differential Equations [PDF]
The Lie linearizability criteria are extended to complex functions for complex ordinary differential equations. The linearizability of complex ordinary differential equations is used to study the linearizability of corresponding systems of two real ordinary differential equations.
arxiv +1 more source
System of semilinear ordinary differential equation and fractional differential equation of distributed order is investigated and solved in a mild and classical sense.
Atanackovic, Teodor M.+2 more
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Explicit expressions for meromorphic solution of autonomous nonlinear ordinary differential equations [PDF]
Meromorphic solutions of autonomous nonlinear ordinary differential equations are studied. An algorithm for constructing meromorphic solutions in explicit form is presented. General expressions for meromorphic solutions (including rational, periodic, elliptic) are found for a wide class of autonomous nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
arxiv +1 more source
Picard-Fuchs Ordinary Differential Systems in N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories [PDF]
In general, Picard-Fuchs systems in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories are realized as a set of simultaneous partial differential equations. However, if the QCD scale parameter is used as unique independent variable instead of moduli, the resulting ...
Srivastava H. M., Yűji Ohta
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Ermakov-Pinney and Emden-Fowler equations: new solutions from novel B\"acklund transformations
The class of nonlinear ordinary differential equations $y^{\prime\prime}y = F(z,y^2)$, where F is a smooth function, is studied. Various nonlinear ordinary differential equations, whose applicative importance is well known, belong to such a class of ...
Carillo, Sandra, Zullo, Federico
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