Results 1 to 10 of about 801,119 (354)
Managing Fetal Ovarian Cysts: Clinical Experience with a Rare Disorder [PDF]
Background and Objectives: Fetal ovarian cysts (FOCs) are a very rare pathology that can be associated with maternal–fetal and neonatal complications. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of ultrasound characteristics on FOC evolution and ...
Alina-Sinziana Melinte-Popescu+9 more
doaj +2 more sources
Ovarian cysts, an anovulatory condition in dairy cattle. [PDF]
Ovarian cysts are one of the most common ovarian dysfunctions in dairy cattle, which can lead to a considerable economic loss through its high incidence and can reduce the reproductive performance.
BorŞ SI, BorŞ A.
europepmc +2 more sources
mTOR inhibitors and risk of ovarian cysts: a systematic review and meta-analysis [PDF]
Objective To summarise the available evidence on frequency of ovarian cyst development during mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors (mTORi) treatment.Methods PubMed/Medline and EMBASE databases were searched, from 1990 up to March 2020, using the ...
Stefano Bianchi+9 more
doaj +2 more sources
Giant Ovarian Cysts Treated by Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery: A Case Series [PDF]
BackgroundOvarian cysts are very common diseases of the female reproductive system. Giant ovarian cysts refer to the tumors with diameters greater than 10 cm.
Lili Jiang+4 more
doaj +2 more sources
Transumbilical laparoendoscopic single-site surgery vs. multiport laparoscopic surgery for benign ovarian cysts: a retrospective cohort study [PDF]
Background Transumbilical laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (TU-LESS) has gained increasing attention due to the potential to maximize the benefits of laparoscopic surgery.
Shuzhi Shan, Sufen Zhao, Xiao Wang
doaj +2 more sources
Diagnosis, Management, and Therapy of Fetal Ovarian Cysts Detected by Prenatal Ultrasonography: A Report of 36 Cases and Literature Review [PDF]
Background: Fetal ovarian cysts are the most frequently diagnosed intra-abdominal cysts; however, the evidence for perinatal management remains controversial.
Takeya Hara+8 more
doaj +2 more sources
Laparoscopic guided minilaparotomy: a modified technique for management of benign large ovarian cysts [PDF]
Background The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficiency and safety of a novel technique to treat large benign ovarian cysts combining benefits of laparoscopic management along with mini-laparotomy without affection of the ovarian reserve.
Mohamed F. Shaltout+7 more
doaj +2 more sources
Torsion of ovarian cysts [PDF]
n ...
Theodore W. Adams
openalex +4 more sources