Results 1 to 10 of about 27,157 (291)

Children and adults produce distinct technology- and human-directed speech [PDF]

open access: yesScientific Reports
This study compares how English-speaking adults and children from the United States adapt their speech when talking to a real person and a smart speaker (Amazon Alexa) in a psycholinguistic experiment. Overall, participants produced more effortful speech
Michelle Cohn   +4 more
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Web application to convert English into helpful characters for pronunciation learners [PDF]

open access: yesSHS Web of Conferences, 2020
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is the most commonly used set of phonetic symbols but it can be difficult to understand and too abstract for non-phoneticians, such as English learners and foreign language educators.
Nakatsuka Keita   +2 more
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Improving Japanese English pronunciation with speech recognition and feed-back system [PDF]

open access: yesSHS Web of Conferences, 2020
For Japanese people, communicating with English speakers from abroad has become more common because of internationalization, and there are many people who want to improve their English-speaking skills.
Igarashi Kanta, Wilson Ian
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Using deep learning to classify English native pronunciation level from acoustic information [PDF]

open access: yesSHS Web of Conferences, 2020
The main purpose of this research is to test the use of deep learning for automatically classifying an English learner’s pronunciation proficiency, a step in the construction of a system that supports second language learners.
Kobayashi Aozora, Wilson Ian
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Cognitive Load Increases Spoken and Gestural Hesitation Frequency

open access: yesLanguages, 2023
This study investigates the interplay of spoken and gestural hesitations under varying amounts of cognitive load. We argue that not only fillers and silences, as the most common hesitations, are directly related to speech pausing behavior, but that ...
Simon Betz   +3 more
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Examining Temporal Structure of Speech with a Local Articulation Rate Metric

open access: yesResearch in Language, 2023
The primary goal of our study is to propose a method of calculating and visualising local articulation rate for research in temporal structure of speech.
Jan Volín, Michaela Svatošová
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Asymmetric Influence of Vocalic Context on Mandarin Sibilants: Evidence From ERP Studies

open access: yesFrontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021
In the present study, we examine the interactive effect of vowels on Mandarin fricative sibilants using a passive oddball paradigm to determine whether the HEIGHT features of vowels can spread on the surface and influence preceding consonants with ...
Yaxuan Meng   +5 more
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Occurrence and Duration of Pauses in Relation to Speech Tempo and Structural Organization in Two Speech Genres

open access: yesLanguages, 2023
Pauses act as important acoustic cues to prosodic phrase boundaries. However, the distribution and phonetic characteristics of pauses have not yet been fully described either cross-linguistically or in different genres and speech styles within languages.
Pavel Šturm, Jan Volín
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Disfluencies Revisited—Are They Speaker-Specific?

open access: yesLanguages, 2023
The forensic application of phonetics relies on individuality in speech. In the forensic domain, individual patterns of verbal and paraverbal behavior are of interest which are readily available, measurable, consistent, and robust to disguise and to ...
Angelika Braun   +2 more
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Reading Fluency in Children and Adolescents Who Stutter

open access: yesBrain Sciences, 2021
Speech fluency is a major challenge for young persons who stutter. Reading aloud, in particular, puts high demands on fluency, not only regarding online text decoding and articulation, but also in terms of prosodic performance.
Mona Franke   +3 more
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