Results 1 to 10 of about 456,178 (258)
Positron emission tomography [PDF]
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a method for measuring biochemical and physiological processes in vivo in a quantitative way by using radiopharmaceuticals labelled with positron emitting radionuclides such as 11C, 13N, 15O and 18F and by measuring ...
Paans, A M J
core +8 more sources
Positron-Emission Tomography [PDF]
We review positron-emission tomography (PET), which has inherent advantages that avoid the shortcomings of other nuclear medicine imaging methods. PET image reconstruction methods with origins in signal and image processing are discussed, including the ...
Fessler, Jeffrey A., Ollinger, John M.
core +4 more sources
Perspectives for Positron Emission Tomography with RPCs [PDF]
In this study we address the feasibility and main properties of a positron emission tomograph (PET) based on RPCs. The concept, making use of the converter-plate principle, takes advantage of the intrinsic layered structure of RPCs and its simple and economic construction.
A. Blanco+21 more
arxiv +5 more sources
QED and Fundamental Symmetries in Positronium Decays [PDF]
We discuss positronium decays with emphasis on tests of fundamental symmetries and the constraints from measurements of other precision observables involving electrons and photons.
Bass, Steven D.
arxiv +5 more sources
Usefulness of respiratory-gated PET acquisition during delayed 18F-FDG PET/CT scanning for patients with liver metastases [PDF]
Objective(s): To assess respiratory-gated (RG) positron emission tomography (PET) acquisition for patients with liver metastases during delayed PET/computed tomography (CT) scanning with fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG).Methods: Nineteen patients
Shota Watanabe+6 more
doaj +1 more source
18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography / computed tomography in primary Ewing sarcoma of the lung [PDF]
Introduction. Ewing sarcoma is rare in medical practice, and evaluating positron emission tomography / computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging of soft tissue Ewing sarcoma is a challenge. Primary Ewing sarcoma of the lung is an infrequent diagnosis.
Zivgarević Ljiljana, Žunić Svetlana
doaj +1 more source
BackgroundsEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation profiles play a vital role in treatment strategy decisions for non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Liping Yang+10 more
doaj +1 more source
Radiomics Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced CT Predicts Survival in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
PurposeTo develop and validate the radiomics nomogram that combines clinical factors and radiomics features to estimate overall survival (OS) in patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), and assess the incremental value of radiomics for OS ...
Lei Yan+10 more
doaj +1 more source
Background: Increased throughput in small animal preclinical studies using positron emission tomography leads to reduced costs and improved efficiency of experimental design, however the presence of multiple off-centre subjects, as opposed to a single ...
Nikos Efthimiou+10 more
doaj +1 more source
Image reconstruction method for dual-isotope positron emission tomography [PDF]
We developed a positron emission tomography (PET) system for multiple-isotope imaging. Our PET system, named multiple-isotope PET (MI-PET), can distinguish between different tracer nuclides using coincidence measurement of prompt gamma-rays, which are emitted after positron emission.
arxiv +1 more source