Results 1 to 10 of about 694,346 (243)

Dynamics of Vortex Pair in Radial Flow [PDF]

open access: yesJ.Exp.Theor.Phys. 105, No3 (2007) 542; Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 132, No3 (2007) 615, 2008
The problem of vortex pair motion in two-dimensional plane radial flow is solved. Under certain conditions for flow parameters, the vortex pair can reverse its motion within a bounded region. The vortex-pair translational velocity decreases or increases after passing through the source/sink region, depending on whether the flow is diverging or ...
Elena Yu. Bannikova   +2 more
arxiv   +6 more sources

Radial Flow Perfusion Enables Real-Time Profiling of Cellular Metabolism at Low Oxygen Levels with Hyperpolarized 13C NMR Spectroscopy [PDF]

open access: yesMetabolites, 2021
In this study, we describe new methods for studying cancer cell metabolism with hyperpolarized 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (HP 13C MRS) that will enable quantitative studies at low oxygen concentrations.
Anthony Mancuso   +10 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Radial flow on a horizontal plane [PDF]

open access: bronzeLa Houille Blanche, 1967
(1967). Radial flow on a horizontal plane. La Houille Blanche: Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 279-282.
H. R. Vallentine
openalex   +4 more sources

Velocity and pressure functions of an oscillating flow in a circular Hele-Shaw cell [PDF]

open access: yesIranian Journal of Physics Research, 2022
In this study, we have investigated the form of velocity and pressure functions of a fluid oscillating between two parallel glass sheets that form a circular Hele-Shaw cell. The flow has been considered to be radial, incompressible and laminar.
Maniya Maleki, Mahdieh Mohammadi
doaj   +1 more source

Influence of Radial Flows on Power Density and Gas Stream Pressure Drop of Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

open access: yesEnergies, 2022
The development of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) for powering vehicles requires high power densities. The radial flows generated by the insert structures in SOFC fuel channels could improve the power density by facilitating the fuel to enter the porous ...
Abdellah Essaghouri   +6 more
doaj   +1 more source

Radial Motions and Radial Gas Flows in Local Spiral Galaxies [PDF]

open access: yesThe Astrophysical Journal, 2021
Abstract We determine radial velocities and mass flow rates in a sample of 54 local spiral galaxies by modeling high-resolution and high-sensitivity data of the atomic hydrogen emission line. We found that, although radial inflow motions seem to be slightly preferred over outflow motions, their magnitude is generally small. Most galaxies
Enrico M. Di Teodoro, J. E. G. Peek
openaire   +3 more sources

In-Plane Permeability Measurement of Biaxial Woven Fabrics by 2D-Radial Flow Method

open access: yesScience and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2021
The accurate characterization of fabrics used in vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) is essential in order to model the flow through these porous preforms.
Khan Muhammad Azhar Ali
doaj   +1 more source

Flow Configurations of Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel Cells: A Review

open access: yesEnergies, 2021
Membraneless microfluidic fuel cells (MMFCs) are being studied extensively as an alternative to batteries and conventional membrane fuel cells because of their simple functioning and lower manufacturing cost.
Muhammad Tanveer, Kwang-Yong Kim
doaj   +1 more source

Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Unsteady Flow and Hydraulic Radial Force of Low-Head Axial Flow Turbine [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2023
Radial force in low-head axial flow turbines (AFTs) is an influential factor in their operational stability. To explore the transient operating behavior of the radial force in low-head AFTs under different blade numbers, transient numeric computations ...
Y. Sunsheng   +5 more
doaj   +1 more source

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