Results 1 to 10 of about 242,921 (407)
Nonlocal Granular Rheology: Role of Pressure and Anisotropy [PDF]
We probe the secondary rheology of granular media, by imposing a main flow and immersing a vane-shaped probe into the slowly flowing granulate. The secondary rheology is then the relation between the exerted torque T and rotation rate \omega of our probe.
van Hecke, Martin, Wandersman, Elie
arxiv +4 more sources
Rheology and Contact Lifetime Distribution in Dense Granular Flows [PDF]
We study the rheology and distribution of interparticle contact lifetimes for gravity-driven, dense granular flows of non-cohesive particles down an inclined plane using large-scale, three dimensional, granular dynamics simulations. Rather than observing a large number of long-lived contacts as might be expected for dense flows, brief binary collisions
Alex J. Levine+4 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Ultraslow dynamics and stress relaxation in the aging of a soft glassy system [PDF]
We use linear rheology and multispeckle dynamic light scattering (MDLS) to investigate the aging of a gel composed of multilamellar vesicles. Light scattering data indicate rearrangement of the gel through an unusual ultraslow ballistic motion. A dramatic slowdown of the dynamics with sample age $t_{w}$ is observed for both rheology and MDLS, the ...
Cipelletti, Luca, Ramos, Laurence
arxiv +3 more sources
Rheology of dense granular suspensions
Suspensions are composed of mixtures of particles and fluid and are omnipresent in natural phenomena and in industrial processes. The present paper addresses the rheology of concentrated suspensions of non-colloidal particles.
Lisabeth Guazzelli, Olivier Pouliquen
exaly +2 more sources
Dissipation and Rheology of Sheared Soft-Core Frictionless Disks [PDF]
We use numerical simulations to investigate the effect of different dissipative models on the shearing rheology of massive soft-core frictionless disks in two dimensions. We show that the presence of Newtonian (overdamped) vs Bagnoldian (inertial) rheology is related to the formation of large connected clusters of disks, and that sharp transitions may ...
Olsson, Peter+2 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Dense granular flow rheology in turbulent bedload transport [PDF]
The local granular rheology is investigated numerically in turbulent bedload transport. Considering spherical particles, steady uniform configurations are simulated using a coupled fluid-discrete-element model. The stress tensor is computed as a function of the depth for a series of simulations varying the Shields number, the specific density and the ...
Julien Chauchat+2 more
exaly +2 more sources
Shear Banding from lattice kinetic models with competing interactions [PDF]
Soft Glassy Materials, Non Linear Rheology, Lattice Kinetic models, frustrated phase separation} We present numerical simulations based on a Boltzmann kinetic model with competing interactions, aimed at characterizating the rheological properties of soft-glassy materials. The lattice kinetic model is shown to reproduce typical signatures of driven soft-
De Gennes P. G.+6 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Herschel-Bulkley rheology from lattice kinetic theory of soft-glassy materials [PDF]
We provide a clear evidence that a two species mesoscopic Lattice Boltzmann (LB) model with competing short-range attractive and mid-range repulsive interactions supports emergent Herschel-Bulkley (HB) rheology, i.e. a power-law dependence of the shear-stress as a function of the strain rate, beyond a given yield-stress threshold.
Falcucci G.+11 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Ice rheology governs how glaciers flow and respond to environmental change. The rheology of glacier ice evolves in response to a variety of mechanisms, including damage, heating, melting and the development of crystalline fabric.
Alexander A Robel+2 more
exaly +2 more sources
Designing invert emulsion drilling fluids for high temperature and high-pressure conditions [PDF]
Good and optimal rheology is a primary requisite for a drilling fluid to achieve better hole-cleaning and barite sag resistance. Conventional thickeners like organophilic clay that provide rheology to invert emulsion fluids degrade with time and thereby ...
Vikrant Wagle+2 more
doaj +2 more sources