Results 1 to 10 of about 102 (69)

Sargable Science

open access: green, 2020
Some queries can be optimized; others can’t. This is due to the structure of the query itself, which in turn is due to the structure of the underlying data. “Sargable” is database-speak for <em> Search ARGument ABLE </em> . <sup> 1 </sup> A query is sargable if it <em> can </em> be optimized, e.g.
Donny Winston
openaire   +2 more sources

CCR4‐NOT subunit CCF‐1/CNOT7 promotes transcriptional activation to multiple stress responses in Caenorhabditis elegans

open access: yesAging Cell, Volume 22, Issue 4, April 2023., 2023
This study reveals a new role for the CCR4‐NOT complex in transcriptome regulation in response to environmental stress using the C. elegans model. CCF‐1/CNOT7 encoding the deadenylase subunit of the complex is required for activation of xenobiotic detoxification genes in response to stress, which in turn is critical for enhancing whole‐organism stress ...
Hadi Tabarraei   +6 more
wiley   +1 more source

Core social motives explain responses to collective action issues

open access: yesSocial and Personality Psychology Compass, Volume 17, Issue 3, March 2023., 2023
Abstract Managing collective action issues such as pandemics and climate change requires major social and behavioral change. Dominant approaches to addressing these issues center around information provision and financial incentives to shift behavior, yet, these approaches are rarely effective without integrating insights from psychological research on
Nathaniel Geiger, Cameron Brick
wiley   +1 more source

The E262K mutation in Lamin A links nuclear proteostasis imbalance to laminopathy‐associated premature aging

open access: yesAging Cell, Volume 21, Issue 11, November 2022., 2022
Model of mutant LMNA‐mediated induction of nuclear proteotoxicity and DNA damage and its impact on the onset of laminopathy‐associated progeria. LMNAE262K is increasingly aggregated in the nucleus due to its intrinsic instability coupled with structural unfolding.
Debasish Kumar Ghosh   +8 more
wiley   +1 more source


open access: yesGerman Life and Letters, Volume 75, Issue 4, Page 574-597, October 2022., 2022
Abstract Proclaiming ‘every generation has its Winnetou’, German network RTL ushered in the return of Winnetou to German television in 2016 with a big‐budget film trilogy, Winnetou – Der Mythos Lebt. This article analyses the Winnetou film trilogy in dialogue with Karl May's original 1893 novels and the 1960s West German westerns using the concepts of ...
Maureen O. Gallagher
wiley   +1 more source

Karl Lueger and the Reichspost: Construction of a Cult of Personality

open access: yesAustralian Journal of Politics &History, Volume 68, Issue 3, Page 337-358, September 2022., 2022
This article contributes to the body of research on fin‐de‐siècle Viennese and Austrian history, as well as the history of ideas and press history. It expands on the scholarship by focusing on one newspaper — the Catholic‐conservative Reichspost (affiliated with the Christian Social Party) — to analyse how it perpetuated the cult of personality ...
Chris O'Neill
wiley   +1 more source

Selection of Formal Baseline Correction Methods in Thermal Analysis

open access: yesChemical Engineering &Technology, Volume 45, Issue 2, Page 238-248, February 2022., 2022
Recommendations for formal baseline correction methods for thermal analysis data are given. When lacking physical or experimental justification, only linear baseline correction methods should be used, i.e., linear with time, linear with temperature, and linear with extent of reaction. The absence of baseline correction should also be considered.
Rebecca L. Gibson   +4 more
wiley   +1 more source

Targeting prominin2 transcription to overcome ferroptosis resistance in cancer

open access: yesEMBO Molecular Medicine, Volume 13, Issue 8, 09 August 2021., 2021
Stimulating ferroptosis has emerged as a potential therapeutic strategy against cancer. Some tumor cells, however, are resistant to known ferroptosis stimuli. This study identifies mechanisms that contribute to ferroptosis and develops strategies to overcome resistance. Abstract Understanding how cancer cells resist ferroptosis is a significant problem
Caitlin W Brown   +4 more
wiley   +1 more source

Feedback regulation of heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1) activity by Hsp70‐mediated trimer unzipping and dissociation from DNA

open access: yesThe EMBO Journal, Volume 39, Issue 14, 15 July 2020., 2020
Hsp70 and J‐domain chaperones attenuate the heat shock response in metazoa by monomerizing heat shock transcription factor 1 (Hsf1) and thus removing it from DNA. Abstract The heat shock response is a universal transcriptional response to proteotoxic stress orchestrated by heat shock transcription factor Hsf1 in all eukaryotic cells.
Szymon W Kmiecik   +2 more
wiley   +1 more source

Epigenetic regulation of microglial phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase pathway involved in long‐term potentiation and synaptic plasticity in rats

open access: yesGlia, Volume 68, Issue 3, Page 656-669, March 2020., 2020
Main points Microglial PI3K and its downstream targets are epigenetically regulated by histone modifications and post‐translationally by sumoylation. Microglial BDNF downstream of PI3K modulates neuronal LTP and synaptic plasticity and therefore learning and memory.
Genevieve Saw   +6 more
wiley   +1 more source

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