Results 1 to 10 of about 30,360 (161)

Visualising Sha[2] in Abelian surfaces [PDF]

open access: bronzeMathematics of Computation, 2004
Given an elliptic curve E1 over a number field and an element s in its 2-Selmer group, we give two different ways to construct infinitely many Abelian surfaces A such that the homogeneous space representing s occurs as a fibre of A over another elliptic curve E2.
Nils Bruin
core   +7 more sources

Exhibiting SHA[2] on hyperelliptic Jacobians [PDF]

open access: bronzeJournal of Number Theory, 2005
Abstract We discuss approaches to computing in the Shafarevich–Tate group of Jacobians of higher genus curves, with an emphasis on the theory and practice of visualisation. Especially for hyperelliptic curves, this often enables the computation of ranks of Jacobians, even when the 2-Selmer bound does not bound the rank sharply.
Nils Bruin, E. V. Flynn
core   +7 more sources

Preimages for Step-Reduced SHA-2 [PDF]

open access: bronze, 2009
In this paper, we present preimage attacks on up to 43-step SHA-256 (around 67% of the total 64 steps) and 46-step SHA-512 (around 57.5% of the total 80 steps), which significantly increases the number of attacked steps compared to the best previously published preimage attack working for 24 steps.
Kazumaro Aoki   +4 more
core   +7 more sources

Estimating the cost of generic quantum pre-image attacks on SHA-2 and SHA-3 [PDF]

open access: greenarXiv, 2016
We investigate the cost of Grover's quantum search algorithm when used in the context of pre-image attacks on the SHA-2 and SHA-3 families of hash functions.
Matthew Amy   +5 more
core   +6 more sources

Differential Power Analysis of HMAC SHA-2 in the Hamming Weight Model [PDF]

open access: hybrid, 2013
International ...
Sonia Belaïd   +4 more
core   +7 more sources

Performance Analysis of Sha-2 and Sha-3 Finalists [PDF]

open access: greenInternational Journal on Cryptography and Information Security, 2013
National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) published the first Secure Hash Standard SHA-0 in 1993 as Federal Information Processing Standard publication (FIPS PUBS) which two years later was replaced by SHA-1 to improve the original design and added SHA-2 family by subsequent revisions of the FIPS.
Ram Krishna Dahal   +2 more
  +6 more sources

Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations [PDF]

open access: bronze, 2006
This paper proposes a set of new techniques to improve the implementation of the SHA-2 hashing algorithm. These techniques consist mostly in operation rescheduling and hardware reutilization, allowing a significant reduction of the critical path while the required area also decreases.
Ricardo Chaves   +3 more
openalex   +3 more sources

A Flexible Framework for Exploring, Evaluating, and Comparing SHA-2 Designs [PDF]

open access: goldIEEE Access, 2019
Hash functions are a crucial tool in a large variety of applications, ranging from security protocols to cryptocurrencies down to the Internet-of-Things devices used, for example, as biomedical appliances. In particular, SHA-2 is today a ubiquitous hashing primitive.
Raffaele Martino, Alessandro Cilardo
openalex   +6 more sources

Multi-mode operator for SHA-2 hash functions [PDF]

open access: greenJournal of Systems Architecture, 2006
International ...
Ryan Glabb   +4 more
openalex   +4 more sources

A new hash family obtained by modifying the SHA-2 family [PDF]

open access: greenProceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Information, Computer, and Communications Security, 2009
In this work, we study several properties of the SHA-2 design which have been utilized in recent collision attacks against reduced round SHA-2. Small modifications to the SHA-2 design are suggested to thwart these attacks. The modified round function provides the same resistance to linearization attacks as the original SHA-2 round function, but ...
Somitra Kumar Sanadhya, Palash Sarkar
openalex   +2 more sources

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