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open access: greenChakiñan, 2020
Este ensayo es una reflexión acerca de las prácticas de crianza que realizan las familias del siglo XXI. Desde el nacimiento, el niño es acogido en una tradición simbólico-cultural familiar que aporta un conjunto de pautas de comportamiento para ...
Diana Gladys Barimboim
doaj   +2 more sources

Vivir en la sociedad de consumo

open access: hybridRevista de Fomento Social, 2002
El consumo en nuestro mundo, sobre todo en los países desarrollados, no es sólo un conjunto de actos puntuales, sino una dinámica vital. Esto exige una reflexión en profundidad para indagar si la adquisición de bienes no se ha pervertido hasta ...
Consejo de Redacción
doaj   +3 more sources

Educación para el consumo sostenible desde la pedagogía crítica

open access: yesEducação e Pesquisa, 2021
Resumen La educación para el consumo desde una perspectiva crítica es un tema serio que necesita ser estudiado y trabajado por todos los miembros de la sociedad educativa. Este trabajo plantea dos objetivos.
Miguel Martín-Sánchez   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Matices del arte como orígenes de los objetos de diseño masivo en la sociedad de consumo

open access: yesMADGU Mundo, Arquitectura, Diseño Gráfico y Urbanismo, 2022
Nuestra sociedad contemporánea a nivel global esta afincada sobre el establecimiento de un modelo cultural, económico y de producción que se sostiene desde el exacerbado fenómeno del consumo, dando forma a los que entendemos como Sociedad de Consumo ...
Gerardo Vázquez Rodríguez
doaj   +1 more source

Report of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) on the nutritional status of women of childbearing age, during pregnancy and lactation with respect to adequate iodine intake

open access: yesFood Risk Assess Europe, Volume 1, Issue 2, September‐December 2023., 2023
Abstract Iodine is an essential element involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, being essential for pre‐ and postnatal brain development and for cellular metabolism throughout life. On the other hand, iodine deficiency is one of the most easily preventable public health problems affecting the largest number of people in the world.
Irene Bretón Lesmes   +5 more
wiley   +1 more source

A social capital approach of market orientation in public non‐profit organizations: The case of blood transfusion centers in Spain

open access: yesJournal of Philanthropy and Marketing, Volume 28, Issue 3, August 2023., 2023
Abstract In order to identify the determinants of market (donor) orientation in blood transfusion centers and services (BTCS), this study seeks to analyze whether connectedness and interpersonal trust represent a fundamental basis for interfunctional coordination that leads to market (donor) orientation.
María de la Cruz Déniz‐Déniz   +3 more
wiley   +1 more source

Khalifa versus Prometheus: Green ethics and the struggle for contemporary sustainable urbanism

open access: yesDigest of Middle East Studies, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 102-114, Spring 2023., 2023
Abstract In the last decades, contemporary urbanism in the global South has meant large urban transformations, tall architecture landmarks, and fierce city competition. However, cities and their planners are now confronting an ethical dilemma: how to grow and compete while caring for the disastrous impacts on Earth and human health caused by the mass ...
Agatino Rizzo, Attilio Petruccioli
wiley   +1 more source

Report of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) on sustainable dietary and physical activity recommendations for the Spanish population

open access: yesFood Risk Assess Europe, Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2023., 2023
Abstract Dietary recommendations are developed from the best available scientific evidence on the effect of nutrients and food on health. These recommendations take into account that the effect of food depends not only on its nutritional content but also on the matrix in which is ingested, the alterations during the culinary process, the presence of ...
Esther López García   +11 more
wiley   +1 more source

Experimental evidence of the impact of framing of actors and victims in conservation narratives

open access: yesConservation Biology, Volume 36, Issue 6, December 2022., 2022
Abstract Media narratives play a crucial role in framing marine conservation dilemmas by depicting human actors, such as fish consumers or the fishing industry, as responsible for negative effects of their actions on species and ecosystems. However, there is little evidence documenting how such narratives affect preferences for reducing bycatch ...
Ganga Shreedhar, Laura Thomas‐Walters
wiley   +1 more source

Cultural factors related to childhood and adolescent obesity in Mexico: A systematic review of qualitative studies

open access: yesObesity Reviews, Volume 23, Issue 9, September 2022., 2022
Summary Culture and culturally specific beliefs or practices may influence perceptions and decisions, potentially contributing to childhood obesity. The objective of this study is to identify the cultural factors (expressed through decisions, behaviors, individual experiences, perceptions, attitudes, or views) related to childhood and adolescent ...
Magaly Aceves‐Martins   +5 more
wiley   +1 more source

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