Results 1 to 10 of about 543,944 (171)
On the roles of function and selection in evolving systems. [PDF]
Wong ML+8 more
europepmc +1 more source
KamLAND data and the solution to the solar neutrino problem [PDF]
P. C. de Holanda, Alexei Smirnov
openalex +1 more source
Photon strength functions and nuclear level densities: invaluable input for nucleosynthesis. [PDF]
Wiedeking M, Goriely S.
europepmc +1 more source
New constraints on axion-like dark matter from a SERF comagnetometer
Bloch I+5 more
europepmc +1 more source
Particle physics candidates for the cosmion solution to the solar neutrino problem
Stuart Raby
openalex +1 more source
Effects of non-standard neutrino interactions on MSW-LMA solution to the solar neutrino problem [PDF]
M. Reggiani Guzzo
openalex +1 more source
On the limits of experimental knowledge. [PDF]
Evans PW, Thébault KPY.
europepmc +1 more source
Astronomia ex machina: a history, primer and outlook on neural networks in astronomy. [PDF]
Smith MJ, Geach JE.
europepmc +1 more source
On the Problem of Detecting Solar Neutrinos [PDF]
John N. Bahcall, R. Davis
openalex +1 more source