Results 1 to 10 of about 729,112 (281)
Canning and Spanish America [PDF]
In a letter to Hookham Frere, on January 8, 1825, Canning spoke of the recognition of Mexico and Colombia as 'an act which will make a change in the face of the world almost as great as that of the discovery of the continent now set free. The Allies will fret; but they will venture no serious remonstrance. France will fidget; but it will be with a view
Lloyd, E. M.
openaire +4 more sources
Is the Supercourse useful for Latin America? [PDF]
BACKGROUND: The success of the Supercourse showed that the effort was needed in Latin America. But would a Spanish language version be better for the region? METHODS: Google Analytics was used to determine website usage.
Nicolas Padilla-Raygoza+4 more
doaj +8 more sources
Liberty and Despotism in Spanish America [PDF]
J. Fred Rippy
openalex +3 more sources
The Intendant System in Spanish America [PDF]
Lillian Estelle Fisher
openalex +2 more sources
Quantum computing online workshops and hackathon for Spanish speakers: A case study [PDF]
We discuss the challenges and findings of organizing an online event in Spanish, consisting of a series of introductory workshops leading up to a quantum hackathon for Latin America. 220 Spanish speakers were registered, 66% of whom self-identified as being at an introductory level of quantum computing. We gain a better picture of the impact of quantum
arxiv +1 more source
Alberto Blest Gana and the Sensory Appeal of Wealth
This essay explores sensory stimuli in La aritmética en el amor [Arithmetic in Love/Economics of Love] (1860) as they relate to the consumer preferences (for clothing, furniture, jewellery) and purchasing practices of nineteenth-century Santiago, Chile ...
Vilches Patricia
doaj +1 more source
Countering Acts of Dispossession through Alberto Blest Gana’s Mariluán
In the scant scholarship relative to Alberto Blest Gana’s Mariluán, several critics have underscored the unfeasibility or superfluidity of the protagonist’s aspired project for restitution, indigenous assimilation, and fraternity in the Araucanía during ...
DeLutis-Eichenberger Angela N.
doaj +1 more source
Alberto Blest Gana: 100 Years Later
Blest Gana at 100 is a special edition for Open Cultural Studies. Alberto Blest Gana was a Chilean writer who wore many hats during his long life, dying in 1920 at the age of 90.
Vilches Patricia
doaj +1 more source
Regional Differences in Information Privacy Concerns After the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal [PDF]
While there is increasing global attention to data privacy, most of their current theoretical understanding is based on research conducted in a few countries. Prior work argues that people's cultural backgrounds might shape their privacy concerns; thus, we could expect people from different world regions to conceptualize them in diverse ways.
arxiv +1 more source
Jesuits in Spanish America before the Suppression [PDF]
From the late sixteenth century until their expulsion in 1767, members of the Society of Jesus played an important role in the urban life of Spanish America and as administrators of frontier missions.
Jackson, Robert H.
core +1 more source