Results 1 to 10 of about 2,855 (192)

Cinética do crescimento de Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirochaetaceae) em diferentes meios de cultivo Cinetic growth of Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirochaetacease) in different culture media [PDF]

open access: goldPesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2004
Estudou-se a cinética de crescimento de Borrelia burgdorferi, por um período de 3 meses, utilizando os seguintes oito meios de cultivo : (1) BSK adicionado de soro de coelho, (2) BSK adicionado de soro de suíno, (3) BSK adicionado de soro de suíno + 5 ...
Angela de Oliveira   +3 more
doaj   +8 more sources

Molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Borrelia tachyglossi’ (family Spirochaetaceae) in echidna ticks, Bothriocroton concolor [PDF]

open access: hybridInternational Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2017
Recently, a novel species of the genus Borreliawas identified in Bothriocroton concolor and Ixodes holocyclus ticks from echidnas. Analyses of 16S rRNA and flaB genes identified three closely related genotypes of this bacterium (Borrelia sp.
Siew-May Loh   +4 more
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Analysis of the core bacterial community associated with consumer-ready Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica). [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2023
Shellfish, such as the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica), are an important agricultural commodity. Previous research has demonstrated the importance of the native microbiome of oysters against exogenous challenges by non-native pathogens.
Ian S Hines   +4 more
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Holobiont responses of mesophotic precious red coral Corallium rubrum to thermal anomalies [PDF]

open access: yesEnvironmental Microbiome, 2023
Marine heat waves (MHWs) have increased in frequency and intensity worldwide, causing mass mortality of benthic organisms and loss of biodiversity in shallow waters.
Romie Tignat-Perrier   +3 more
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Insights into the occurrence of phylosymbiosis and co-phylogeny in the holobionts of octocorals from the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea [PDF]

open access: yesAnimal Microbiome
Background Corals are the foundational species of coral reefs and coralligenous ecosystems. Their success has been linked to symbioses with microorganisms, and a coral host and its symbionts are therefore considered a single entity, called the holobiont.
C. Prioux   +7 more
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Unveiling microbiome changes in Mediterranean octocorals during the 2022 marine heatwaves: quantifying key bacterial symbionts and potential pathogens [PDF]

open access: yesMicrobiome, 2023
Background Climate change has accelerated the occurrence and severity of heatwaves in the Mediterranean Sea and poses a significant threat to the octocoral species that form the foundation of marine animal forests (MAFs).
Camille Prioux   +14 more
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A Tentative Study of the Effects of Heat-Inactivation of the Probiotic Strain Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 on Senegalese Sole (Solea senegalensis) Intestinal Microbiota and Immune Response [PDF]

open access: yesMicroorganisms, 2021
Concerns about safety, applicability and functionality associated with live probiotic cells have led to consideration of the use of non-viable microorganisms, known as paraprobiotics.
Marta Domínguez-Maqueda   +6 more
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Comparative microbiome analysis reveals the variation in microbial communities between ‘Kyoho’ grape and its bud mutant variety [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2023
Microbes are an important part of the vineyard ecosystem, which significantly influence the quality of grapes. Previously, we identified a bud mutant variety (named ‘Fengzao’) from ‘Kyoho’ grapes.
Tong-Lu Wei   +9 more
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Evaluation of acidogenesis products’ effect on biogas production performed with metagenomics and isotopic approaches [PDF]

open access: yesBiotechnology for Biofuels, 2021
Background During the acetogenic step of anaerobic digestion, the products of acidogenesis are oxidized to substrates for methanogenesis: hydrogen, carbon dioxide and acetate. Acetogenesis and methanogenesis are highly interconnected processes due to the
Anna Detman   +17 more
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Microbiome composition and presence of cultivable commensal groups of Southern Tamanduas (Tamandua tetradactyla) varies with captive conditions [PDF]

open access: yesAnimal Microbiome
Southern Tamanduas (Tamandua tetradactyla) belong to the specialized placental myrmecophages. There is not much information about their intestinal microbiome.
Ahmad Amin   +5 more
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