Results 1 to 10 of about 4,157,781 (258)

Definition of vortex boundary using stagnation pressure [PDF]

open access: greenPhysical Review Fluids
A novel method is proposed to identify vortex boundary and center of rotation based on tubular surfaces of constant stagnation pressure and minimum of the stagnation pressure gradient. The method is derived from Crocco's theorem, which ensures that the gradient of stagnation pressure is orthogonal to both the velocity and vorticity vectors.
Marc Plasseraud, Krishnan Mahesh
arxiv   +8 more sources

Moving Model Test of High-Speed Train Aerodynamic Drag Based on Stagnation Pressure Measurements. [PDF]

open access: goldPLoS ONE, 2017
A moving model test method based on stagnation pressure measurements is proposed to measure the train aerodynamic drag coefficient. Because the front tip of a high-speed train has a high pressure area and because a stagnation point occurs in the center ...
Mingzhi Yang   +4 more
doaj   +5 more sources

A Physical Interpretation of Stagnation Pressure and Enthalpy Changes in Unsteady Flow [PDF]

open access: greenVolume 7: Turbomachinery, Parts A and B, 2009
This paper provides a physical interpretation of the mechanism of stagnation enthalpy and stagnation pressure changes in turbomachines due to unsteady flow, the agency for all work transfer between a turbomachine and an inviscid fluid. Examples are first given to illustrate the direct link between the time variation of static pressure seen by a given ...
H. P. Hodson   +3 more
semanticscholar   +9 more sources

Model-based stagnation pressure control in a supersonic wind tunnel [PDF]

open access: diamondFME Transactions, 2016
The flow parameters control in wind tunnels is an area of intense research in recent years, with the aim of improving quality and efficiency of the wind tunnel operation.
Ilić Biljana   +3 more
doaj   +5 more sources

Nonlinear L 1 adaptive control of stagnation pressure in a cryogenic wind tunnel [PDF]

open access: diamondAdvances in Aerodynamics, 2020
Cryogenic wind tunnel is a sophisticated aerodynamics ground test facility, which operates in cryogenic temperature with injection of liquid nitrogen. The multi-variable, nonlinear and coupled dynamics existing between the temperature, pressure and Mach ...
Rusong Zhu   +4 more
doaj   +6 more sources

Measurements of the stagnation pressure in the center of a cavitating jet [PDF]

open access: hybridExperiments in Fluids, 2011
The stagnation pressure at a certain distance from the nozzle is important for the erosion/ cutting capacity of a submerged jet in dredging. The decay of the stagnation pressure with jet distance is well known in the case of non-cavitating jets. It is also known that cavitation causes the rate of decay to decrease.
A. J. Nobel, A.M. Talmon
semanticscholar   +7 more sources

Combination probes for stagnation pressure and temperature measurements in gas turbine engines [PDF]

open access: greenMeasurement Science and Technology, 2017
During gas turbine engine testing, steady-state gas-path stagnation pressures and temperatures are measured in order to calculate the efficiencies of the main components of turbomachinery. These measurements are acquired using fixed intrusive probes, which are installed at the inlet and outlet of each component at discrete point locations across the ...
Clare Bonham   +3 more
semanticscholar   +4 more sources

Empirical equation of the Mach number as a function of the stagnation pressure ratio for a quasi-one-dimensional compressible flow [PDF]

open access: diamondFME Transactions, 2023
In the present work for a quasi-one-dimensional isentropic compressible flow model, an empirical equation of the Mach number is constructed as a function of the stagnation pressure ratio for an analytical equation that algebraic procedures cannot invert.
Tolentino San Luis
doaj   +2 more sources

Interaction of two vortices in a flued with lower stagnation pressure [PDF]

open access: bronzeQuarterly of Applied Mathematics, 1977
The flow field induced by two point vortices of strength Γ \Gamma at a distance 2 h 2h apart in a quiescent field with lower stagnation pressure is investigated. The flow field around the vortices is bounded by a free streamline with constant velocity U U determined by the ...
Lu Ting
openalex   +2 more sources

Increase in stagnation pressure and enthalpy in shock tunnels [PDF]

open access: green31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1993
A new technique based on the insertion of a converging section in the driven tube is described which is capable of producing substantial increases in both reservoir pressure and enthalpy. A 1D inviscid full kinetics code is used to study a number of different locations and shapes for the converging driven tube section.
David W. Bogdanoff, Jean-Luc Cambier
openalex   +3 more sources

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