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Traditional teaching method Vs Modern teaching method [PDF]
In order to effectively convey information to learners, teachers must use different methods based on the learners' requirements, such as visual, aural, or kinaesthetic methods.
Akhtar, Ramlah+3 more
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Comparing Traditional Teaching Method and Experiential Teaching Method using Experimental Research [PDF]
The modern time is shaping a world of opportunities that has glorified the roleand functions of multinational organizations across the globe. An individual hasbecome a global citizen, who explores employment opportunities in differentcountries of the ...
Khan, Najmonnisa, Raja, Farhan Uddin
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ந. சுப்புரெட்டியாரும் பயிற்றலின் அடிப்படை விதிகளும் / N. Subbu Reddiar and the Basic Laws of Teaching [PDF]
It is a well-known fact that Tamil is the most ancient of all the languages of the world. Hence, it is conferred the status of classical language. To its credit, it has a huge volume of literary works and grammar books dating back to the pre-Christian ...
முனைவர் ப. சத்யா / Dr.P.Sathya
doaj +1 more source
Key Factors in the Application of Sharestart to Enhance the Learning Attitude of Students
Under the background of globalization and the popularity of distance learning ande-learning channels provided on the Internet, teaching methods that encourage the self-directed learning of students are becoming popular.
Yu-Zhou Luo+3 more
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With the development of language research and language teaching, people realize that grammatical competence is an important part of communicative competence.
Li Ma
semanticscholar +1 more source
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning has been carried out in many countries with different types of online learning models being promoted and implemented.
Y. Jin+4 more
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Comparing the Efficacy of Virtual and Conventional Methods in Teaching Practical Pathology to Medical Students [PDF]
Electronic learning introduces a teaching device for deeper and more efficient learning. A study was conducted by the Pathology Department of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. The topic of practical pathology was selected earlier based
Alireza Abdollahi+2 more
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This paper provides and illustrates a design-based learning (DBL) and outcome-based education (OBE) approach for fostering the innovation, practice, and autonomous learning ability of industrial engineering students.
Xugang Zhang+5 more
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Physical education teaching in Italian primary school: theoretical lines and operational proposals
Background and Study aim. For the new reform to be applied in the best possible way, it is a priority and useful to promote the development of knowledge on the organization and methods of teaching/learning in physical education in primary school.
Gaetano Altavilla+4 more
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Game Teaching Method in Preschool Education Based on Big Data Technology
The traditional preaching way of imparting knowledge can only stifle children’s imagination, creativity, and learning initiative a little bit, which is harmful to children’s healthy and happy growth.
R. Bai
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