The term typography refers to the style, arrangement, appearance, and design of typefaces and typeset material. In this book, Sassoon rightly assumes that typography now extends way beyond words printed on paper, and in particular to the world of ...
Gabriel Jacobs
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WordArt Designer: User-Driven Artistic Typography Synthesis using Large Language Models [PDF]
This paper introduces WordArt Designer, a user-driven framework for artistic typography synthesis, relying on the Large Language Model (LLM). The system incorporates four key modules: the LLM Engine, SemTypo, StyTypo, and TexTypo modules. 1) The LLM Engine, empowered by the LLM (e.g., GPT-3.5), interprets user inputs and generates actionable prompts ...
Jun-Yan He+11 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Towards Diverse and Consistent Typography Generation [PDF]
In this work, we consider the typography generation task that aims at producing diverse typographic styling for the given graphic document. We formulate typography generation as a fine-grained attribute generation for multiple text elements and build an ...
Haraguchi, Daichi+3 more
core +1 more source
As an emerging technology, Virtual Reality (VR) is perceived as a platform with the potential to change the artwork generation methods and consumption paradigms The immersion, presence and interaction features of VR provides for art unique opportunities ...
Banu İnanç UYAN DUR
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Lessons to be learned when designing comprehensible patient-oriented online information about temporomandibular disorders. [PDF]
Lessons to be learned when designing comprehensible patient‐oriented online information about temporomandibular disorders. Abstract Background Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a prevalent ailment with a global impact, affecting a substantial number of individuals.
Uzunçıbuk H+4 more
europepmc +2 more sources
'Clearer and better’: preferences of children with reading difficulties for the typography and illustration in literacy materials [PDF]
Dyson, Mary Clare, Thiessen, Myra
core +3 more sources
The effectiveness of Canned Coffee packaging's graphic design elements in consumers' decision-making process [PDF]
Studies recently focused on the important roles of graphic design elements in drawing consumers’ attention. The present study focuses on finding out the effectiveness of graphic design elements and colors of canned coffee packaging in consumers' decision-
Indriana Anggun Febrianti+2 more
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Automated handling of complex chemical structures in Z‐matrix coordinates—The chemcoord library
We propose an algorithm for a chemically intuitive automatically generated Z‐matrix representation, including reliable back‐and‐forth transformation between coordinate spaces while properly handling linear dependencies. The usefulness of the method is showcased for molecule manipulation and initial guesses of reaction pathways.
Oskar Weser+2 more
wiley +1 more source
Nowadays, the format of digital technology allows advertisers to include virtual advertisements such as brand names and logos into YouTube channels. Additionally, those parts have become a marketing strategy technique through advertising.
Yuda Suryasa Sjaerodji, Desi Indrawati
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How companies use typeface design to engage consumers in charitable activities
Abstract This research examines how the typeface design in a charitable appeal affects consumers' evaluations of the ad and, in turn, their willingness to engage in the advertised charitable activities. We propose that the typeface's simulation of a handwritten note creates a sense of connectedness to the information sender (e.g., organization, brand),
Xing‐Yu (Marcos) Chu+3 more
wiley +1 more source