DeepDeath: Learning to predict the underlying cause of death with Big Data. [PDF]
Multiple cause-of-death data provides a valuable source of information that can be used to enhance health standards by predicting health related trajectories in societies with large populations. These data are often available in large quantities across U.S. states and require Big Data techniques to uncover complex hidden patterns.
Hassanzadeh HR, Ying Sha, Wang MD.
europepmc +10 more sources
Accuracy of Death Certificates and Assessment of Factors for Misclassification of Underlying Cause of Death [PDF]
Background: Cause of death (COD) information taken from death certificates is often inaccurate and incomplete. However, the accuracy of Underlying CODs (UCODs) recorded on death certificates has not been comprehensively described when multiple diseases ...
Makiko Naka Mieno
doaj +5 more sources
An Automated Method of Causal Inference of the Underlying Cause of Death of Citizens [PDF]
It is of great significance to correctly infer the underlying cause of death for citizens, especially under the current worldwide situation. The medical resources of all countries are overwhelmed under the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19 ...
Xu Yang, Hongsheng Ma, Keyan Gao, Hui Ge
doaj +4 more sources
Assessment of Relative Utility of Underlying vs Contributory Causes of Death. [PDF]
Importance: In etiological research, investigators using death certificate data have traditionally extracted underlying cause of mortality alone. With multimorbidity being increasingly common, more than one condition is often compatible with the manner ...
Batty, G David+3 more
core +13 more sources
Factors associated with the reporting of Down syndrome as the underlying cause of death on US death certificates. [PDF]
AbstractBackgroundEfforts aimed at preventing premature mortality for people with Down syndrome are hindered by the practice of reporting disability as the underlying cause of death. Prior research suggests this form of diagnostic overshadowing may be the result of increased uncertainty surrounding the death.MethodsThis study uses bivariable analysis ...
Landes SD, Turk MA, Finan JM.
europepmc +5 more sources
Heart failure describing the underlying cause of death – a misconception, lack of information on the true underlying causes or both? [PDF]
Aim: The underlying cause of death represents the most important information on death certificates. Often, conditions that cannot represent a true underlying cause of death are listed as such.
Sulo, Gerhard
core +5 more sources
Heart failure quantified by underlying cause and multiple cause of death in Brazil between 2006 and 2016 [PDF]
Background The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) does not produce estimates of heart failure (HF) since this condition is considered the common end to several diseases (i.e., garbage code).
Paolo Blanco Villela+2 more
doaj +2 more sources
COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death: disentangling facts and values. [PDF]
In the ongoing pandemic, death statistics influence people's feelings and government policy. But when does COVID-19 qualify as the cause of death? As philosophers of medicine interested in conceptual clarification, we address the question by analyzing the World Health Organization's rules for the certification of death.
Amoretti MC, Lalumera E.
europepmc +7 more sources
The impact of errors in medical certification on the accuracy of the underlying cause of death. [PDF]
Background Correct certification of cause of death by physicians (i.e. completing the medical certificate of cause of death or MCCOD) and correct coding according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD) rules are essential to produce quality mortality statistics to inform health policy.
Gamage USH+11 more
europepmc +7 more sources
An Automatic Approach Designed for Inference of the Underlying Cause-of-Death of Citizens. [PDF]
It is very important to have a comprehensive understanding of the health status of a country’s population, which helps to develop corresponding public health policies. Correct inference of the underlying cause-of-death for citizens is essential to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the health status of a country’s population.
Ge H+8 more
europepmc +4 more sources