Results 1 to 10 of about 195,517 (211)

The universality of iterated hashing over variable-length strings [PDF]

open access: bronzeDiscrete Applied Mathematics 160 (4-5), 604--617 (2012), 2010
Iterated hash functions process strings recursively, one character at a time. At each iteration, they compute a new hash value from the preceding hash value and the next character. We prove that iterated hashing can be pairwise independent, but never 3-wise independent. We show that it can be almost universal over strings much longer than the number of
Daniel Lemire
arxiv   +6 more sources

Regular and almost universal hashing: an efficient implementation [PDF]

open access: greenSoftware: Practice and Experience 47 (10), 2017, 2016
Random hashing can provide guarantees regarding the performance of data structures such as hash tables---even in an adversarial setting. Many existing families of hash functions are universal: given two data objects, the probability that they have the same hash value is low given that we pick hash functions at random.
Dmytro Ivanchykhin   +2 more
arxiv   +7 more sources

Variationally universal hashing [PDF]

open access: greenInformation Processing Letters, 2006
The strongest well-known measure for the quality of a universal hash-function family H is its being e-strongly universal, which measures, for randomly chosen h ∈ H, one's inability to guess h(m') even if h(m) is known for some m ≠ m' We give example applications in which this measure is too weak, and we introduce a stronger measure for the quality of a
Ted Krovetz, Phillip Rogaway
openalex   +4 more sources

QKD parameter estimation by two-universal hashing [PDF]

open access: yesQuantum, 2023
This paper proposes and proves security of a QKD protocol which uses two-universal hashing instead of random sampling to estimate the number of bit flip and phase flip errors.
Dimiter Ostrev
doaj   +3 more sources

Multimixer-128: Universal Keyed Hashing Based on Integer Multiplication

open access: diamondIACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2023
In this paper we introduce a new keyed hash function based on 32-bit integer multiplication that we call Multimixer-128. In our approach, we follow the key-then-hash parallel paradigm. So, we first add a variable length input message to a secret key and
Koustabh Ghosh   +2 more
doaj   +3 more sources

Universal Hashing and Multiple Authentication [PDF]

open access: bronze, 1996
In this paper, we study unconditionally secure codes that provide authentication without secrecy. Our point of view is the universal hashing approach pioneered by Wegman and Carter in 1981. We first compare several recent universal-hashing based constructions for authentication codes.
Mustafa Atıcı, D. R. Stinson
openalex   +3 more sources

Hash Property and Fixed-rate Universal Coding Theorems [PDF]

open access: greenIEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2688-2698, June 2010. Corrections: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 3305-3307, May 2012, 2008
The aim of this paper is to prove the achievability of fixed-rate universal coding problems by using our previously introduced notion of hash property. These problems are the fixed-rate lossless universal source coding problem and the fixed-rate universal channel coding problem.
Jun Muramatsu, Shigeki Miyake
arxiv   +3 more sources

The computational complexity of universal hashing [PDF]

open access: bronzeProceedings of the twenty-second annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing - STOC '90, 1990
AbstractAny implementation of Carter-Wegman universal hashing from n-bit strings to m-bit strings requires a time-space tradeoff of TS=Ω(nm). The bound holds in the general boolean branching program model and, thus, in essentially any model of computation.
Yishay Mansour   +2 more
openalex   +5 more sources

Separating hash families with large universe [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2023
Separating hash families are useful combinatorial structures which generalize several well-studied objects in cryptography and coding theory. Let $p_t(N, q)$ denote the maximum size of universe for a $t$-perfect hash family of length $N$ over an alphabet of size $q$.
Wei, Xin, Zhang, Xiande, Ge, Gennian
arxiv   +3 more sources

Construction of universal one-way hash functions: Tree hashing revisited

open access: bronzeDiscrete Applied Mathematics, 2007
AbstractWe present a binary tree based parallel algorithm for extending the domain of a universal one-way hash function (UOWHF). For t⩾2, our algorithm extends the domain from the set of all n-bit strings to the set of all ((2t-1)(n-m)+m)-bit strings, where m is the length of the message digest. The associated increase in key length is 2m bits for t=2;
Palash Sarkar
openalex   +3 more sources

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