Results 1 to 10 of about 32,573 (346)

Differences in Urinary Calculi Characteristics among the Three Main Racial Groups in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Renal and Hepatic Disorders, 2023
Racial differences in the characteristics of urinary calculi are poorly described in the South African context, limiting our local understanding of urolithiasis pathology and thwarting our efforts in designing appropriate preventative interventions.
Dhesigan Naidoo, Vishan Ramloutan
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The causal association between smoking, alcohol consumption and risk of upper urinary calculi: insights from a Mendelian randomization study [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Genetics, 2023
Background: The causal link between smoking, alcohol consumption, and upper urinary calculi remains uncertain in observational studies due to confounding factors.
Li Wang   +5 more
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The value of dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) in the diagnosis of urinary calculi: a systematic review and meta-analysis of retrospective studies [PDF]

open access: yesPeerJ, 2023
Objective Dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) imaging technology opens a new idea and method for analyzing stone composition, which can obtain several quantitative parameters reflecting tissue-related information and energy images different from ...
Peipei Feng, Guochao Li, Peng Liang
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Bladder Calculus Causing Large Bowel Obstruction [PDF]

open access: yesThe Annals of African Surgery, 2019
Urinary tract calculi are fairly common, though bladder calculi are less common, accounting for only 5% of urinary tract calculi. Bladder calculi, particularly large bladder calculi, are usually associated with pathology in the urinary tract.
Alessandro Bellomo   +3 more
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Urinary calculi in ruminants [PDF]

open access: bronzeProceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1969
Urolithiasis is not at present an important problem for the livestock industry in the United Kingdom, but the probable introduction of more intensive systems of management may change this position. The rapid fattening of male animals with high-energy diets predisposes to formation of phosphatic calculi and obstructive urolithiasis in the feed lot ...
A. C. Field
  +6 more sources

The changing composition of urinary calculi in Southern Thailand over the past 14 years [PDF]

open access: yesUrology Annals, 2023
Objective: A worldwide increased incidence of urolithiasis has been observed over the past few decades. Insight into the composition of these stones can lead to enhanced medical treatment and outcomes.
Monthira Tanthanuch   +3 more
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Risk factors for systemic inflammatory response syndrome after endoscopic lithotripsy for upper urinary calculi [PDF]

open access: yesBMC Urology, 2023
Background To explore the risk factors for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) after endoscopic lithotripsy for upper urinary calculi. Methods This retrospective study included patients with upper urinary calculi who underwent endoscopic ...
Siming Ye   +3 more
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The current status of preventive measures for urinary calculi in children [PDF]

open access: yesTherapeutic Advances in Urology, 2021
Urological calculus is a common disease in urology. Urological calculi are generally more common in adults but have become more common in children in recent years.
Jiao Zhong   +8 more
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Gender and side distribution of urinary calculi using ultrasound imaging

open access: yesJournal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2020
Introduction: Urinary calculi constitute a significant medical problem worldwide. Due to lack of previous studies on gender and side distribution of urinary calculi, the current study was conducted. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study involved
Sultan Abdulwadoud Alshoabi   +5 more
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